Yielded Vessels Ministry, founded by Rufus and Dee Whynot, is based in Transylvania, Romania, and Eastern Europe. Their primary focus is souls because Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
They have worked in the mission field since November 1984, and have seen the need to get people born again and help them mature in the Lord.
In all that they do, from mentoring leaders, healing outreaches, children’s work in different communities and teaching sessions in churches away from home – all is done to encourage people to share Jesus and give others the opportunity to come into the family of God.

Most recently they have done much work with the displaced Ukrainians which you can read about here. Yet they have stilled managed to continue with five church meetings weekly, travel monthly to mentor leaders in Hunedoara and in Sacuieni, as well as traveling to have healing/evangelistic meetings in northeast Romania and Moldova, now that the covid prohibitions have been removed.
Thank you KCM
Deedre and I are so blessed to have found Brother and Sister Copeland’s faith-building cassette tapes in 1974, while stationed in Berlin, Germany. They were a primary source for our spiritual growth. Then I was privileged to work for KCM after leaving the Army and personally getting to know this wonderful family of God.
We thank Brother and Sister Copeland for the amazing monthly financial support that KCM has provided to us since God called us to the mission field in the fall of 1984. And thanks also to the many ‘special offerings’ that have been given: to help us move from Texas to Guatemala , then to Berlin, later to start building our home in Romania, support of our children’s camps, and recently help for our purchase of supplies for the Ukrainian refugees.
The KCM family doesn’t preach faith; but lives it and demonstrates faith by investing in so many of God’s people! Thank you again so, so, so much.
Rufus & Dee Whynot
- Recently, my personal assistant did not come to church one Sunday morning. Her seven-year-old son was sick. After the afternoon meeting at Pata Rat, I came home and later went to see how Elyon, her son, was doing. Ioana told me that he has such a pain in his leg that he could not walk and she even had to carry him to the bathroom. He had spent the whole day sitting and laying on the living room couch. My immediate response was, “That is not the will of God for us”. I went to Elyon, who was still on the couch, spoke a proclamation of healing and deliverance from a spirit of infirmity and then returned home. Monday morning Ioana said: “About ten minutes after you prayed and left, Elyon got up off the couch and started playing as if nothing was the matter with his body and no more pain”
- Three weeks ago one of the teenagers who received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. with the evidence of speaking in tongues about a month previously, testified that a few nights before she could not sleep because her parents were arguing so loudly in the next room. After quite a few minutes she had a thought: “Maybe I should pray in the Spirit”. So she did. A few minutes later, when she stopped she heard nothing from the other room. As she prayed in the Spirit the atmosphere changed in the house and her parents stopped arguing!
So the testimonies from the Cluj area, Hunedoara, Pata Rat, Lunca Muresului, Reghin (where we previously worked for fourteen years) are that Jesus is Lord over everything that is named in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth. Every name that is named must bow its knee before the mighty name of Jesus!