Yield to Love


Let Love Take the Lead… God’s love is the driving force of life. God loved us first! Now we love Him. And every good thing we do in life is His expression of love through us for others! Kenneth and Gloria illustrate the force and the characteristics of love that lead us, every day, into every good thing He has planned for us and for every person He brings across our paths. Discover how to let love take the lead!

2 Messages on CD or Digital Download

By Kenneth & Gloria Copeland


Let Love Take the Lead… God’s love is the driving force of life. God loved us first! Now we love Him. And every good thing we do in life is His expression of love through us for others! Kenneth and Gloria illustrate the force and the characteristics of love that lead us, every day, into every good thing He has planned for us and for every person He brings across our paths. Discover how to let love take the lead!

2 Messages on CD or Digital Download

By Kenneth & Gloria Copeland

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CDs, Digital Download