Kenneth Copeland Ministries is an international teaching ministry, teaching Christians worldwide who they are in Christ Jesus and how to live a victorious life in their covenant rights and privileges.
At Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe, we desire to see people living victoriously through the uncompromised Word of God. We take God’s Word as final authority. We are committed to keeping the Word of God before your eyes – teaching you how to live victoriously – so that you are rooted and grounded enough to live in victory in every area of your life and reach out to others to share those same principles. We endeavour to bring believers from the milk to the meat of the Word, and into full maturity in their walk with God.
KCM opened its office in Europe in 1982 and has been ministering to our Partners and Friends across Europe and parts of the Middle East, for over 40 years. With the expansion of technology, we have web content in English, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese, where the Word of God is changing lives forever.