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Learn How to Reap Your Harvest

Many believers have been sowing and sowing but have yet to reap a harvest from their giving. There are rules to reaping, it’s not automatic.

Sign up to the 3 day ‘It’s Harvest Time’ study course and learn biblical truths from the Word about reaping. There is nothing better than the thrill of harvest time!


  1. The rules of reaping your harvest
  2. When and where to reap your harvest
  3. Confessions for reaping your harvest

On the second day of teaching you will also receive a free product to learn how to reap your harvest.

How to reap your harvest MP3 teachings


“Thank you very much for your fresh messages from the presence of God. I follow you often. I am a pastor from Albania and your teachings are a great blessing for me and my church. It is a privilege to learn from you” – Pastor Sabri – Partner Church, KCM Europe