Developing a Strong Spirit


The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble” (Proverbs 18:14, AMP).

As a believer, you have the potential to walk in a greater place of supernatural strength. How? By developing your spirit.

A strong spirit will cause you to overcome physical attacks, financial problems and relational difficulties–anything that the devil throws your way. With it, you can build a wall of protection around you–so when the storms of life hit, you stand like a rock, unshaken and unmovable!

Your spirit can become so rooted, grounded and established in the Word of God that you can actually repel disease, resist sin, override doubt, dissolve offense, block pressure, and prevent yourself from getting entangled in the cares of this world. You can build up your spiritual immune system to such a degree that sickness can’t penetrate it, discouragement can’t sway it, fear can’t stop it, bad news can’t move it, and adversity can’t affect it.

The stronger your spirit, the easier it is to receive, resist and stand in faith!

Get strong in the Lord, in the power of His might…when you start Developing a Strong Spirit today!

Teaching on MP3 DISC or Digital Download. Study Notes (Digital) are also available.

10 messages

By Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons



The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble” (Proverbs 18:14, AMP).

As a believer, you have the potential to walk in a greater place of supernatural strength. How? By developing your spirit.

A strong spirit will cause you to overcome physical attacks, financial problems and relational difficulties–anything that the devil throws your way. With it, you can build a wall of protection around you–so when the storms of life hit, you stand like a rock, unshaken and unmovable!

Your spirit can become so rooted, grounded and established in the Word of God that you can actually repel disease, resist sin, override doubt, dissolve offense, block pressure, and prevent yourself from getting entangled in the cares of this world. You can build up your spiritual immune system to such a degree that sickness can’t penetrate it, discouragement can’t sway it, fear can’t stop it, bad news can’t move it, and adversity can’t affect it.

The stronger your spirit, the easier it is to receive, resist and stand in faith!

Get strong in the Lord, in the power of His might…when you start Developing a Strong Spirit today!

Teaching on MP3 DISC or Digital Download. Study Notes (Digital) are also available.

10 messages

By Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons