Prayer That Brings Results


Are you ready to receive from God everything you ask for in prayer? According to the Bible, you can! You don’t have to pray scattershot prayers and hope that maybe some of them will hit the mark. You can pray in a way that is targeted and effective.

Don’t let past experiences and tired religious traditions keep you from approaching God’s throne with confidence. Request your copy of Prayer that Brings Results today!

Minibook by Kenneth Copeland

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Are you ready to receive from God everything you ask for in prayer? According to the Bible, you can! You don’t have to pray scattershot prayers and hope that maybe some of them will hit the mark. You can pray in a way that is targeted and effective.

Don’t let past experiences and tired religious traditions keep you from approaching God’s throne with confidence. Request your copy of Prayer that Brings Results today!

Minibook by Kenneth Copeland