The Joy and Power of the Tithing Covenant


Tithing is a powerful biblical principle preached in many churches. But until believers gain a deeper understanding of its covenant connection to God and why it matters to Him, it becomes a religious exercise instead of an act of joy and worship.

Get your copy of The Joy and Power of the Tithing Covenant, by Kenneth Copeland, today and gain a deeper understanding of the principal of tithing.

Paperback Book or Digital Download

By Kenneth Copeland


Tithing is a powerful biblical principle preached in many churches. But until believers gain a deeper understanding of its covenant connection to God and why it matters to Him, it becomes a religious exercise instead of an act of joy and worship.

Kenneth Copeland examines what Scripture says about tithing and why it’s still relevant today. Solid, biblical evidence will reveal:

Why tithing is a spiritual, not a religious, principle
What God promises the tither
How the tithe is connected to THE BLESSING.

Get your copy of The Joy and Power of the Tithing Covenant, by Kenneth Copeland, today and gain a deeper understanding of the principal of tithing.

Paperback Book or Digital Download

By Kenneth Copeland