Called and Chosen by Love (Rerun)
In this video: Love Created You to Be Blessed by God
God is Love, and He created you in His exact image! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares how, from the very beginning, you were created by Love to live a blessed and abundant life on the earth.
First aired June 2017.
In this video: Love Made a Way for God to Bless You
God loved you so much that He sent Jesus to become a curse so THE BLESSING of Abraham could come upon you! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory with Kenneth Copeland as he shares how delighting yourself in God’s commandments is the key to living in that BLESSING.
First aired June 2017.
In this video: THE BLESSING of God Works When You Rest
When you obey God and rest in the love He has for you, THE BLESSING will go to work in your life! Watch Kenneth Copeland share on Believer’s Voice of Victory how THE BLESSING is always working and is ready to overtake you!
First aired June 2017.
In this video: How THE BLESSING of God Comes on You
God has given everyone a choice in life—they can choose life or death, blessing or cursing. Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares how THE BLESSING and the curse are spiritual forces already at work, and it’s up to you to choose life!
First aired June 2017.
In this video: Love Chose You to Be a Blessed Child of God
God’s love for you is unrivaled! He has chosen and called you His child. Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares how living from the truth of His love for you empowers you to be blessed, prosperous and victorious.
First aired June 2017.