Faith Prepares for What It Expects
In this video: Faith Prepares for What It Believes
What are you believing today? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches why everything in The WORD of God comes by the unseen spiritual force of faith. Learn how faith prepares for what it believes by speaking, acting and praising God for it—before it ever sees the manifestation!
First shown March 2021
In this video: Faith Expects Victory Over Darkness
Are you intimidated by demonic forces? Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches how faith expects victory over the kingdom of darkness. Victory is always sure through the power of the Name of Jesus!
First shown March 2021
In this video: Faith Prepares for What It Expects
What are you preparing for by faith? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why faith prepares for what it expects by believing before seeing and praising before the manifestation. Learn to become a victor through spiritual preparation by faith!
First shown March 2021
In this video: Faith Prepares Ahead of Time
Are you ready to receive your promise? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland talks about the importance of taking tangible actions in the natural as an act of your faith in God’s promises. Learn why faith prepares ahead of time and how you can take action toward your promise today!
First shown March 2021
In this video: The Motive of Faith Is Always Love
Is love the force behind your faith? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches why receiving the love of God and imitating His love to others is the key to receiving your heart’s desires. You will see why the motive of faith is always love!
First shown March 2021