Love: The Gateway to Success
In this video: The Soldier’s Promise of Success
No matter what battle you face, the God-kind of love is the secret to your success! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you how, whether you go to war in the natural or supernatural, you can see victory in all combat. The soldier’s promise of success takes effect when you answer to The LORD and lean fully on Him!
In this video: Faith Works By Agape Love
Your faith works by agape love! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares how having faith in God and His love is the answer to everything. The God-kind of love can turn any situation around!
In this video: Open the Door to Love
Jesus is knocking—have you answered? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains how opening your heart to Jesus opens the door to love—the gateway to success. See how inviting Him into your situation guarantees your victory!
In this video: The Kingdom of Love
Success is found in the kingdom of love! Today on Believer’s Voice of Victory, we acknowledge the veterans of our nation as Kenneth Copeland shares how battles can only be won where God—who is Love—reigns as King. Discover the gateway to success by keeping yourself in the spirit of love!
In this video: Love-Fueled Faith Brings Success
Love opens the door to victory! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you how love-fueled faith brings success. Learn how love puts a demand on the power of God and opens the gateway to supernatural success!
Faith, Love, Prosperity, Spiritual Laws
Kenneth Copeland
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