What is Chesed?
In this video: Chesed Is God’s Covenant Mercy
Learn to trust in God’s covenant with you! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he takes a deeper look at God’s covenant with us by examining the meaning of the Hebrew word chesed, often translated in the Bible as God’s mercy. Learn how God never breaks His covenant—even if someone else does!
In this video: Chesed Is Reserved for God’s Family
You are an heir of God with covenant rights! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you why chesed is reserved for God’s family. By the blood of Jesus, you can call on God for chesed—His covenant mercy and loving kindness—and receive it by faith. That’s the power of your covenant with God!
In this video: Covenant Chesed Endures Forever
Chesed, or God’s mercy, is rooted in the covenant God established with us through the blood of Jesus! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why covenant chesed endures forever. As God’s children, we can call on covenant chesed today!
In this video: Faith in Chesed Makes You Whole
If you need healing, know that faith in chesed makes you whole! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches why we must receive God’s chesed, or covenant mercy, by faith. You can have faith for healing, or any other need, because Jesus has already done everything for you to receive. All you have to do is take it!
In this video: Chesed Is the Faithfulness of God
Chesed is the key issue to faith! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you about the chesed force of God, the covenant, and how chesed is the faithfulness of God to you. Learn why God can’t exist without giving chesed—His mercy—and why He’s waiting to give it to you.
Covenant Promises, Love, Mercy
Kenneth Copeland
Study Notes
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