Daily Devotionals
Don't Hesitate
What happens when you hesitate to do something God has told you to do? Your adversary takes the first step. The devil gets the jump on you.
If you want to live by faith, hesitation is one of the most hazardous habits you could ever have. It comes from being indecisive. The Bible says a man like that is “unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything he thinks, feels, decides” (The Amplified Bible).
If you are double-minded, the decisions you make are split. You try to live by faith and protect your fear at the same time. You make faith statements like “I believe God is going to heal me.” Then your fear whispers, “But I wouldn’t want to say I’m well just yet.” You’re so busy going back and forth between faith and fear, you can’t make any progress at all.
Kick the habit of hesitation today. Make a solid decision to trust in and act on the Word of God. Settle it forever. Resolve never to entertain doubts again. When doubt comes to your mind, cast it out quickly.
When God speaks, don’t waste a moment. Step right out in faith. That way, you can always keep the devil a step behind you!
Scripture Study: James 1:1-8
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.