Daily Devotionals
Free From Debt!
If you’re up to your neck in debt today, I have good news for you. God wants to set you free from those debts and He has the power to do it.
I know. He did it for me.
I’ll never forget it. I had $22,000 worth of bad debts at the time. I’d committed to God to pay them off and never borrow another dime–but it looked to me like I’d never be able to do it.
We didn’t see how, but we believed that “God is able.” Day by day we looked to God for our deliverance from debt. Not asking Him every day, but thanking Him because we believed we received when we prayed. Eleven months later, we were out of debt. As we looked back, nothing spectacular had happened, but God worked in our finances continuously. As we were faithful, He was faithful.
God can do the same thing for you if you’ll dare to believe His Word. If you’ll make a commitment before Him to get out from under those debts and then obey Him every step of the way.
As you look at your situation right now, you may not be able to see how you could ever get out of debt, much less stay that way. I felt that way too, at first. I just didn’t see how I’d ever be able to do much of anything without borrowing money.
But He showed me how–and He’ll do the same thing for you.
There’s no debt too big and no business too complicated for Him to handle. If you’ll trust Him to manage yours, He will bring you out on top…and you’ll never have to be a slave to debt again.
Scripture Study: Psalm 37:21-40
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.