Daily Devotionals
Have Faith in the Name
If you’ve been born again, you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. You are a joint heir with Him. You are covenanted together with Almighty God by the blood of Jesus. You’ve been given Jesus’ own Name—the Name that is higher in authority than any other name, the Name at which every knee must bow.
But for you to effectively use the Name of Jesus, you need to develop your faith in that Name.
Think about it this way. Gloria and I belong to one another. We are covenanted together in the blood of Jesus by holy matrimony. She has my name. She writes it on a check without reservation. She has as much right to sign that name as I do.
It’s her name. It has been given to her. When somebody asks her who she is, she doesn’t say, “I’m Gloria Neece operating in the name of Kenneth Copeland.”
No, she says, “I’m Gloria Copeland.”
That’s the kind of confidence you need to have about the Name of Jesus. You need to know you’ve been named after Him. Know that when you speak, you’re speaking with His authority.
You need to have faith in that Name. Many times people start using the Name of Jesus, trying to work up their faith. But faith doesn’t come from the Name. Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of God (see Romans 10:17).
So, if you’re having trouble in that area, go back to the Word and study the Name. Then when you use it, you’ll have that sense of authority on the inside that is founded on the living Word.
Speak the Word
At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow. I have confidence in that Name. (Philippians 2:10)
Scripture Study: Acts 3:12-16
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.