Daily Devotionals
Now, That Is Good News!
Ever since the Fall of Man, the devil has been using people as pack mules. He has clamped his yoke around their necks and burdened them down with sin, sickness, failure, poverty and every other damnable thing hell could devise.
Everyone has felt the terrible weight of that yoke. We’ve all experienced the pain and frustration that comes from struggling free of one burden, just to have the devil yank us around and pile on even more.
For thousands of years, that yoke of bondage was the inescapable tragedy of man’s existence. To natural eyes it looked as though there would never be a way out. But by the Spirit of God the prophet Isaiah looked forward to a time and saw that a redeemer was coming. One Who would finally free us from the oppression of the devil.
To fully appreciate just how good that news is, you must realize that Isaiah doesn’t say the yoke will be broken because of the anointing. Many people read the verse that way, but that’s not what it says. It says the yoke will be destroyed.
When you look it up in the Hebrew, you’ll find the word translated destroyed means “absolutely useless”. It’s possible that a broken yoke could be repaired and put back. But Isaiah said this anointing would annihilate the devil’s yoke so completely, there would no longer be any evidence that it was ever on your neck!
That means every time you allow the Anointing of God to destroy a yoke in your life, whether it’s in the realm of your health, your finances, your relationships or your past, it is literally, utterly destroyed and cannot be repaired to be used again. The devil can’t pick it up and hold you in bondage with it again. Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!
Now, that’s good news!
Speak the Word
“Jesus, the Anointed One and His Anointing, has removed every burden and destroyed every yoke in my life.” (Isaiah 10:27)
Scripture Study: Isaiah 61:1-3
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.