Your Sowing in Action

Centrul Crestin Harman Emmanuel Church

Centrul Crestin Harman Emmanuel Church

Centrul Crestin Harman Emmanuel Church is a Canaan Church in the village of Halchiu, Romania.  It was founded by Ovi and Carmen Nelu.

Their focus is evangelical work, children and youth, charity work in the villages and most recently they set up two camps for Ukrainian refugees, providing shelter and food to over 300 people.

For many years they have run a feeding program for very poor families in nearby villages, to keep the kids in school. They help them with food, school supplies and clothes. Over the past 15 years, they have helped 28 families with 93 children.

Their children’s ministry has 64 children and 24 youth, who come to hear and learn the Word.  They also take Christmas programs into schools and kindergartens in 3 villages.  Last Christmas 1176 children heard the Gospel.

They have small churches in two other villages called Satu Nou and Dealu Frumos. These churches are in villages where there are no other churches, except orthodox churches.

Thank you KCM

“Many of the things we are doing here in Romania are possible because of your support and prayers.

God bless you all!”


The best testimony of our work is to see people’s lives changed. We see the way the lives of the people have changed in the last 20 years and we can’t believe it.

This past Sunday we had a friend coming to minister in our church and after the service he was telling me how impressed he was seeing so many young families with kids in our church.

The best part is that most of them are young adults that have grown up in our church.

It’s with thanks to our Covenant Partners and Friends, who have committed to support KCM through their financial giving that enables KCM to preach the uncompromised Word of God to the world. 

Your seed becomes twice-sown seed and allows KCM to give to Ministries like Centrul Crestin Harman Emmanuel Church.

You truly are co-labourers with the KCM staff in the work God has called Kenneth and Gloria to do.

We are reaching thousands of people through our Partner Ministries.

Thank you.

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