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God’s DNA in You

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DNA…it’s the very makeup of who someone is. Acts 10:38 says that “God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power….” But have you ever wondered… Is power something God has? Or something He is? What is the anointing? How can God be in everyone at the same time? Is He divided up? Are there many Holy Ghosts? The answers to these and other questions are found in this teaching by Terri Copeland Pearsons. Discover what DNA science can reveal about the power of God in us—and see how everything He is, is in you, too! Previously published as part of the Praying Out Your Destiny series. Digital Audio Message 1 Message By Terri Copeland Pearsons


The Spirit of Faith

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God released His faith by speaking words. The Bible tells us to be imitators of God, even as children follow the example of their parents. Therefore, we release our faith in the words we speak. This series will aid you in learning how to use your faith to affect every area of your life. Teaching on MP3 USB, MP3 DISC or Digital Download 4 messages By Kenneth Copeland


The Resurrection Truth

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“Resurrection Day is our day. This is the day that changed the course of history. This is the day that left its mark on eternity. This is the day of all days!” —Kenneth Copeland. Our faith is based on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s a fact we can receive by faith, a fact that has forever changed the history of mankind. But what do these facts mean for you today, 2,000 years after the fact? Anything? Or everything? These questions many believers still wrestle with challenged Kenneth Copeland too, soon after he became a Christian. He responded to the challenge by digging into Scripture for concrete answers—answers he presents in this eye-opening message. What he found will affect your life each and every day, with every breath you take. You’ll realize why Satan no longer has any dominion over you, and why no spirit of control, wickedness or indulgence can hold you under its power. Discover, once and for all, the undeniable truth about the day that changed the course of history…the day of all days. Discover the Resurrection Truth! Digital Audio Message By Kenneth Copeland


The Way of Wisdom

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In his minibook, The Way of Wisdom, Pastor George Pearsons reveals the greatest thing we can do for ourselves and for those God has placed in our lives is to follow after wisdom! Do you have questions in your life that you need answers for now? Well, your heavenly Father has your answers! God’s love for you is so great that He does not want to keep you guessing for direction in your life and for the answers to your challenges. All you need to do is ASK, and He will answer! God’s wisdom can help protect you and keep you safe as you let Him guide you every step of your way. He will guide you as you spend time in His word, giving you revelation about who He is, who you are, and what you and He can accomplish together! Pastor George Pearsons provides essential steps he has practiced to discover God’s wisdom to put his faith to work. He has discovered that faith projects of all sizes and importance are sure to be effective when God’s wisdom is sought and applied. As you begin to seek The Way of Wisdom, when challenges arise, He will reveal to you key issues to help overcome the challenge. And the key issue just might be a surprise to you! Digital Book By George Pearsons


God’s Will is Prosperity

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"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health..." (3 John 2). In God’s Will Is Prosperity – 40th Anniversary Edition, book by Gloria Copeland, you will discover the undeniable scriptural basis for God blessing His people and the keys to receiving all He has laid up for you! Scripture clearly establishes how intensely God desires to display His goodness and love toward mankind by pouring out His prosperity and abundance. From the beginning of time, He has provided financial prosperity for His people through obedience to His Word. The question is, how willing are you to let Him display that goodness through you? If you're a believer, you have a covenant right to prosperity. Jesus bore the curse of poverty at the same time He bore sickness and the rest of the curse. Now, with the help of Gloria Copeland's detailed study, you can start building your faith for prosperity with insights such as: The scriptural basis for prosperity How to receive from God The important role your words play How angels work to bring God’s will to pass in your life God’s will is to establish His covenant of prosperity in your life today. So, begin to believe and act on His Word and discover for yourself that God’s Will Is Prosperity! Paperback Book or Digital Download Gloria Copeland