Gifts of the Spirit
Kenneth Copeland - Audio Teaching - Spiritual Growth - Products for Pastors & Ministers
If you have questions about the gifts of the Spirit, you’re not alone. In this classic series, Kenneth Copeland unlocks the mysteries surrounding these gifts and their purpose for the Church. There is a world of people who need you. Put yourself in position to be used by God, and you just might be surprised at what He will do! Teaching on Compact Disc 6 Messages on 6 CDs By Kenneth CopelandGoing Up – Promotion God’s Way
MP3 Audio - Gloria Copeland - Pastor George Pearsons - Audio Teaching - Digital Downloads - Victorious Living - Topic
In the Going Up–Promotion God’s Way MP3 series, Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons will help you understand that God has a promotion plan for you already in place. He desires that you live your life in full confidence that advancement belongs to you. Get ready to develop in ways that will set you up to GO UP! Teaching on MP3 DISC or Digital Download. Study Notes (Digital) also available. 10 messages By Gloria Copeland and Pastor George PearsonsStanding on the Word Digital Audio
MP3 Audio - Gloria Copeland - Audio Teaching - Digital Downloads - Spiritual Growth - Topic
Did you know you can weather any storm of life – death, sickness, family problems, disappointments, hurts – by believing the promises of God are yours and then acting on them. Gloria Copeland gives specific scriptural instruction on how to use the promises of God to help you be unmovable when trouble heads your way. Digital Audio message by Gloria CopelandWatch Your Words, Guard Your Heart, Get Results
Kenneth Copeland - MP3 Audio - Audio Teaching - Digital Downloads - Spiritual Growth
God’s words received into your heart and spoken out your mouth are His creative force in the earth today. You are His vessel for impacting the earth! In this powerful series, join Kenneth Copeland as he clearly reveals how God’s Word—the Living Word—will change the world as you put it into action. And see how that same Word will empower you to live your life BLESSED in every way, because this is God’s plan for you!21 Days to Your Debt Freedom
MP3 Audio - Gloria Copeland - Pastor George Pearsons - Prosperity - Audio Teaching - Digital Downloads
This “debt-free seminar” contains 20 individual topics from Pastor George Pearsons and Gloria Copeland’s teaching on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. Each session will help listeners take the necessary spiritual steps to renew their minds, build faith, and immerse themselves in God’s plan for debt-free living. As the truths in this message are applied, listeners will discover a new level of believing God as their capacity to receive debt freedom enlarges, expands and increases. This series includes a bonus session by Pastor George and John Copeland, “Top 10 Debt-Freedom Strategies.” 8 CDs, 5 DVDs, MP3 Disc or Digital Download 21 messages By Gloria Copeland, George Pearsons and John Copeland