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Ways of the Spirit

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We’re commanded in the Word to “walk in the Spirit,” where God’s presence and power rule. But for us to understand this dynamic realm and see the gifts of the Spirit flow freely, we must learn the laws that govern the spirit realm. In this series, Terri Copeland Pearsons shares her years of experience of walking in the ways of the Spirit and teaches how you too can develop and operate in this power. When you listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and stand on the Word in your place of authority, you can overcome any obstacle and do anything God calls you to do. Teaching on Compact Disc 3 Messages on 3 CDs By Terri Copeland Pearsons


Our Core Values

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In this book, Pastors George and Terri Copeland Pearsons share their outline notes from their teaching on the core values of KCM. You’ll learn how these core values are relevant to every believer, and how the tried-and-true set of biblical principles will guide you to make sound decisions with purpose, clarity and integrity. When you make these core values your essential values—and order your thoughts, words and actions accordingly—you can put yourself on the fast track to growth and transformation! Request Our Core Values by Pastors George and Terri Copeland Pearsons today! Paperback Book or Digital Download


You are Healed Brochure


God promised healing for His people. And God doesn’t break a promise. The same healing power you read about in the Bible is still around today. But where can you find that power? You’ll find it in God’s Word. And now, you’ll find scriptures related to healing conveniently gathered into this brochure…You Are Healed. This helpful pamphlet also contains a powerful confession to help you with the practical application of God’s healing Word in your life. By Gloria Copeland Brochure. Also available as a Digital Download


You Can Get Over It


Today it can seem like everyone is offended about everything. But it is powerfully liberating when you can walk free of the weights and shackles of offense. Weaving personal stories with Scripture, Rick Renner builds a case that forgiveness isn't a feeling — its a quality choice with amazing outcomes for those who practice it! Paperback Book


The Troublemaker

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Trouble. Everyone experiences it at some point. It can feel like it's just part of life. But why does it happen, and what are you supposed to do about it? Are problems, temptations and trials sent by God to teach you? Who really is behind it all? If trouble seems to be all around you, you'll discover where it's coming from and what you can do about it in The Troublemaker by Kenneth Copeland. Get ready to turn things around. And get ready to cause some serious trouble for your troublemaker! *Note: The Troublemaker was previously titled, Know Your Enemy. Paperback book By Kenneth Copeland