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Faith and Patience

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Almost everywhere you find faith mentioned in the Bible, you’ll also find patience. Faith and patience are power twins. Together, they produce every time. Patience is a working power. When faith has a tendency to waver, it’s patience that comes to faith’s aid to make it stand. The power of patience is necessary to undergird faith. Hebrews 6:12 says, “That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” And James 1:2-4 says, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” Minibook or Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland


Receive as a Child, Live Like a King

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Take hold of your inheritance. When you were born again, you didn’t just become another of God’s servants—you became His child. And He’s not trying to keep anything good from you. He desires for you to take ownership of what He has already given you—sonship and inheritance. Kenneth Copeland shows you how to understand the full extent of your redemption, and shares the seven steps to making withdrawals from your heavenly account—claiming your inheritance as joint heirs with Jesus. Don’t let the devil talk you out of what rightfully belongs to you. Discover how to realize your full identity as a son or daughter of the Heavenly Father and receive what is rightfully yours. It is time to take hold of your full inheritance—now! Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland


The Decision is Yours

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The Decision is Yours Download edition. A quality decision – one that requires determination and discipline. Kenneth Copeland shares his victory over a weight problem to illustrate how vital a decision of quality is. Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland


The Plan That Never Fails

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How can you make your plans succeed?

Kenneth Copeland shows you how, by aligning your thinking and your actions with The Word, you will be able to deal wisely in all the affairs of life. You’ll succeed. And no matter what’s going on in the world’s system, you can prosper because you’re operating according to the wisdom of God. Don’t accept the logic of the world, or follow after its plans and ideas. Follow after God’s way of thinking and follow after The Plan That Never Fails. Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland  


Tune Into the Voice of God

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Do you wonder if you can hear from God for yourself? Could He be saying something to you today? What is He telling you about your personal life…your family…your finances? Is something causing interference and drowning out His voice? God promised to lead His children by His Spirit and enable them to know His voice. In this minibook, Kenneth Copeland shares the keys to recognizing counterfeit voices, and the reasons why believers have trouble tuning in to the voice of God. Learn how to know exactly what the Spirit of God is saying to you about every situation. Before long, hearing from God won’t be an occasional event but an everyday part of life. Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland