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Totally Protected

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Live in the Secret Place the World Knows Nothing About Living in this world can be hazardous to your health. Physical and spiritual danger is everywhere. But you don’t have to be bound by fear if you know the secret of abiding in God’s supernatural protection. Your protection is not something you have to talk God into doing. It’s something He’s already planned for and provided. Your deliverance, preservation and security because of this great salvation that Jesus purchased for you. Teaching on 2 Compact Discs By Gloria Copeland  


Freedom From Fear

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Don’t be robbed of God’s promises because of the devil’s fear-filled lies! Acting on Satan’s fear can produce failure. Acting on God’s faith-giving promises can produce the substance of things you hope for—the realization of your dreams. You’ve not been given a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. Fear has been defeated! It has no power or right to usurp authority over the believer who has made the decision to live free from its clutches. You don’t have to fear! Don’t wait another day. Make the decision to live faith-full and fear free. Learn how to face every challenge in your life with confidence, and experience total Freedom From Fear! Teaching on MP3 USB MP3 Disc or Digital Download 4 Messages By Kenneth Copeland


God Wants You Well

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Join Gloria Copeland on a remarkable journey through the Word of God, and explore the passageways of our heavenly Father’s heart concerning healing. 2 CD set or Digital Download 2 Messages By Gloria Copeland  


Winning Over Grief and Sorrow

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1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.
Sooner or later in this life, grief and sorrow come to everyone. When they do, we must learn to deal with them. But how? Sometimes grief and sorrow are so painful, nothing seems to help. Kenneth Copeland points to the Word of God and Isaiah 51:11 that says we are redeemed from grief and sorrow. Stay in the Word and the sadness of this life will stay away from you. That is the formula to Winning Over Grief and Sorrow. Teaching available as a Digital Download 1 Message By Kenneth Copeland


The Laws of Prosperity

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God delights in the prosperity of His people. Discover how to overcome debts and become a believer who can truly give to every good work. In this insightful message, find out why so few people enjoy God's financial blessings, how "thinking small" cheats you out of your God-given inheritance, how fear can stop the flow, and much, much more! Paperback Book or Digital Download By Kenneth Copeland