Healing – It Is Always God’s Will


When Adam sinned, the curse—a curse that included sickness and disease—was unleashed on the earth. But when Jesus went to Calvary, He became a curse to redeem us and pay the price for sin and sickness. That means God’s healing power is always available and it is always His will to heal.

And receiving healing, just like receiving salvation, is an act of one’s will and is available to anyone who will receive the Word of God and believe it. Therefore, Satan has no power to keep sickness on anyone who’s decided to receive the healing that has already been provided.

Teaching on MP3 Disc or Digital Download

8 Messages By Kenneth Copeland


When Adam sinned, the curse—a curse that included sickness and disease—was unleashed on the earth. But when Jesus went to Calvary, He became a curse to redeem us and pay the price for sin and sickness. That means God’s healing power is always available and it is always His will to heal.

And receiving healing, just like receiving salvation, is an act of one’s will and is available to anyone who will receive the Word of God and believe it. Therefore, Satan has no power to keep sickness on anyone who’s decided to receive the healing that has already been provided.

In this series from Kenneth Copeland, you’ll learn:

  • The healing power of God is a spiritual force
  • It is vital for believers to accept the Word of God as evidence of healing and not what is perceived by the five senses
  • To make the Word of God your final authority, act upon it and bring the results of healing to your body

The healing power of God, carried by one of His children to the sick, is God’s evidence that He is alive and His healing power is available today.

Teaching on MP3 Disc or Digital Download

8 Messages

By Kenneth Copeland