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June 2021

The Goodness of God - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe

Living In the Goodness of God

2 June 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches the keys to living in the goodness of God. Learn how to see the goodness of God as a power that meets the needs of people and ministers the gospel to a lost and hurting world. Then, find out how you can... Read More


May 2021

The Goodness of God - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe

Believing In the Goodness of God

28 May 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you the importance of believing in the goodness of God. Learn how to expect and receive His goodness in every area of your life because God desires only goodness for you!


The Absolute Goodness of God

The Absolute Goodness of God

21 May 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you why there is zero good in the devil and zero bad in God—He is 100% good! Learn to rely on the absolute goodness of God for everything you need and desire in life.


No More Limits— Part 1 - Victory Broadcast from KCM Europe

No More Limits—Part 2

7 May 2021 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons as they teach you how to live a life with no more limits by feeding on, meditating on, acting on and believing The WORD of God. Learn to move into a new realm of super-prosperity when you take all the limits... Read More


No More Limits— Part 1 - Victory Broadcast from KCM Europe

No More Limits— Part 1

7 May 2021 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons as they teach how to step up your faith and stir up the spirit of faith through total immersion in The WORD of God! Learn to conquer and take victory in every area of your life by deciding to put no... Read More