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Broadcasts from Kenneth Copeland

September 2022

The Importance of Believing God’s Love When You Pray

The Importance of Believing God’s Love When You Pray

16 September 2022 | &

God cannot lie! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland as they dive into the importance of believing God’s Love for you when you pray. Learn to believe God’s WORD because He loves you, and it’s impossible for Him to mislead you. When you pray His WORD believing your covenant… Read More


Biblical Keys for a Long, Healthy Life

Biblical Keys for a Long, Healthy Life

9 September 2022 |

God’s plan is to BLESS you! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he uncovers the biblical keys for a long, healthy life. Discover the countless benefits you’ll experience when you put your trust in God. His healing mercies are waiting for you—get ready to receive them as you learn to… Read More


The Simplicity of Faith

The Simplicity of Faith

2 September 2022 |

This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he shares the simplicity of faith. Discover the creative force of God that faith is, as you uncover how faith says and expects. It is by faith that we don’t have to worry—we can cast all our cares on Jesus!


August 2022

Say His Name and Release His Power

Say His Name and Release His Power

26 August 2022 | &

Say His Name and release His power! This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Dr Melvin Barney as they reveal how we—as believers—are carriers of God’s Name. You’ve been given power of attorney to use His Name as a tool and stop the enemy dead in his tracks. Begin to walk… Read More


Live A Life of Healing

Live a Life of Healing Today

19 August 2022 |

Be free from sickness! This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he equips you with everything you need to live a life of receiving and healing today. Learn how to add years to your life, to speak life words, and activate the explosive power of healing and miracles NOW!


July 2022

The Seven Core Values of a Believer

The Seven Core Values of a Believer

29 July 2022 |

What values direct the course of your life? This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he reveals the seven core values every born-again, Spirit-filled believer should have firmly established. When you learn how to put these guiding principles into action and rely on your blood covenant with God, you’ll overcome every… Read More