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Broadcasts from Kenneth Copeland

June 2021

The Goodness of God Is Here to Heal - Victory Broadcast 21st June 2021

The Goodness of God Is Here to Heal

18 June 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how to invest time in The WORD, repent of sin, receive, and plug in your faith to receive your healing! Learn why healing is something you should absolutely expect because of Jesus. The goodness of God is here to heal!


The Goodness of God - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe

Our God Is Absolutely Good

2 June 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you why it is so important to know deep in your inner man that our God is absolutely good. Learn to view God through the lens of His goodness and pursue Him with everything you have to release the supernatural in your… Read More


The Goodness of God - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe

Living In the Goodness of God

2 June 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches the keys to living in the goodness of God. Learn how to see the goodness of God as a power that meets the needs of people and ministers the gospel to a lost and hurting world. Then, find out how you can… Read More


May 2021

The Goodness of God - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe

Believing In the Goodness of God

28 May 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you the importance of believing in the goodness of God. Learn how to expect and receive His goodness in every area of your life because God desires only goodness for you!


The Absolute Goodness of God

The Absolute Goodness of God

21 May 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you why there is zero good in the devil and zero bad in God—He is 100% good! Learn to rely on the absolute goodness of God for everything you need and desire in life.


April 2021

Living a Life of Faith Victory TV Broadcast

Living a Life of Faith

30 April 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you why living a life of faith begins by mastering the fundamentals of faith. Learn how thoughts, words and actions combined with right believing will always bring the victory.