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Broadcasts from Kenneth Copeland

February 2018

Healing School – 2017 Dayton

12 February 2018 |

In this episode of Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland teaches God’s instruction for receiving your healing by faith. Healing is a gift that came to mankind when Jesus died and rose again. Now, it’s up to you to access that healing by listening to and obeying God’s WORD.


January 2018

The Simplicity of Faith

2017 Washington DC Victory Campaign

15 January 2018 |

The devil is a legalist! So, we need to follow the example Jesus set for us and only speak the desired end result. Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains how the force of faith works and how it is released by your words. When you choose your words, you choose your future!


December 2017

Faith Above All

25 December 2017 | &

The anointing is here! Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they explain how, on Christmas Day, we celebrate the anointing coming to earth in Jesus—the reason for our faith. The burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God came for YOU!


Live Your Faith Out Loud—How to Unleash Power With Your Words

4 December 2017 |

Do you want your faith-filled words to unleash power? Then, you’ll require high-octane faith, which is fueled by love! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he uncovers how faith only works by love. So, trust in the love of God, show love for others and fuel your faith for victory


November 2017

How to Activate Faith With Your Words

27 November 2017 |

Are you ready to activate your faith and start a war on fear with your words? Take The WORD of The LORD, the message of Christ, and preach it with boldness! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he encourages you to boldly preach, teach and share by the leading of the Holy Spirit—without fear.


The Simplicity of Faith

Thanksgiving Week

20 November 2017 |

God doesn’t just have love—He is Love! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory share how God finds no fault in you—He loves you! When you honor God by renewing your mind to the love of God, the powerful force of God’s love will change your life.