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Broadcasts from topic - Faith

August 2024

Overcome All Fear

Have Faith In God’s Love To Overcome All Fear

30 August 2024 |

Fearless faith always receives what God has promised! This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he encourages you to have faith in God’s Love to overcome all fear. Discover how the power of God’s Love, being watchful over your thoughts and casting all your care on God enables you to live… Read More


July 2024

Faith in God's Love

Developing Faith In God’s Love – Part 1

5 July 2024 | &

Faith in the Love of God drives out fear! This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland and Gloria Copeland as they teach Part 1 of their two-week series, “Developing Faith In God’s Love.” Develop mountain-moving faith, and find out how the God kind of Love brings THE BLESSING and covenant power to… Read More


May 2024

Healing School

A Faith Review

24 May 2024 |

Faith has vision! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Pastors Kenneth Copeland as he gives you a faith review. Discover how vision connects you to your calling and how you’ve been accepted of God by faith. Move your faith from hope to the now and join the hall of fame of faith today!


April 2024

Walking By Faith

Faith To Fulfill the Plan of God

27 April 2024 | &

Faith never quits! This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland with Kenneth Copeland as they share how to access God’s magnificent plan for your life. Learn how to stay on the receiving side and build faith that positions you to prosper, connects you to God’s reservoir of BLESSING, and taps in to… Read More


Walking By Faith

Walking by Faith In God’s Plan

26 April 2024 | &

Faith knows the answer! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland is joined by André & Jenny Roebert. They discuss how walking by faith in God’s plan has transformed their lives, and it will do the very same for you. Gain clear direction by allowing faith to take over as you learn how… Read More


March 2024

Take Your Stand and Pray

Take Your Stand of Faith and Pray!

22 March 2024 |

You have God’s faith—be like Him! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you to take your stand of faith and pray. Be like God, strong in faith, and discover the many benefits that come with learning to pray in agreement with The WORD. Get ready to witness your… Read More


February 2024

Faith Calls Things That Be Not as Though They Were

Faith Calls Things That Be Not as Though They Were

9 February 2024 |

Faith calls things that be not as though they were! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he shows you how to be a doer of God’s Covenant. Faith calls the promises of God to you. Discover how you can receive them and gain the secret to a life of success!


January 2024

Back To The Basics of Faith

Back to the Basics of the Fundamentals of Faith

5 January 2024 |

Put your faith into action! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he helps you get back to the basics of the fundamentals of faith. Discover the law and consistency of faith, along with how to apply the five fundamentals. Remember, as believers, we walk by faith and NOT by sight!


December 2023

Become God Inside Minded

Become God-Inside Minded

29 December 2023 |

Start this year in faith! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you to become God-inside minded. Begin to build your spirit man as you learn to look to The WORD of God, not your feelings. Remember, faith is your VICTORY! Stand firmly on this truth and keep fear… Read More


November 2023

Fundamentals of Faith

Exploring the Fundamentals of Faith

6 November 2023 | &

Faith has a voice! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he takes you exploring the fundamentals of faith. Develop a faith that works and responds to The WORD of God, so you can receive your healing today!


October 2023

The WORD of God Is Your Medicine

The WORD of God Is Your Medicine

27 October 2023 |

Receive God’s healing promises through faith! This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he shares the most effective medicine—The WORD of God. Learn how to become a receiver of God’s beautiful covenant of healing. Begin to see yourself healed, as you learn to keep your eyes on the truth of His… Read More


September 2023

We Walk By Faith And Not By Sight

We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight

15 September 2023 |

Are you applying the fundamentals of faith in your life? This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how to walk by faith and not by sight. Become fully persuaded and immovable in your faith, so you can believe, speak and achieve the desired end result of what you’re… Read More


August 2023

Seven Steps To Successful Prayer

7 Steps to Prayer that Bring Results

11 August 2023 |

Prayer is a seed! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you the 7 steps to prayer that bring results. Gain access to God’s exceeding great and precious promises, as you discover how prayer is our divine connection to Him!


July 2023

The Fundamentals of Faith

We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

14 July 2023 |

We walk by faith, not by sight! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you to live by the fundamentals of faith every day. Make your way through the checklist of faith, and discover the transforming power that comes when you speak the end result of God’s WORD!


Bulldog Faith

Bulldog Faith II

2 July 2023 | &

Take it, claim it, possess it! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Pastor George Pearsons and Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons continue their discussion of bulldog faith in Part 2 of their series. Develop faith that is determined, focused and fully persuaded by God’s WORD, so you can receive what is rightfully yours today!


June 2023

Bulldog Faith

Bulldog Faith

30 June 2023 | &

It’s time to get aggressive! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Pastors George Pearsons and Terri Copeland Pearsons discuss the birth and nature of bulldog faith. Learn how to develop a faith that is aggressive and persistent, and you’ll be sure to overcome anything the enemy throws your way!


Fundamentals of Faith

Exploring the Fundamentals of Faith

18 June 2023 | &

Faith has a voice! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he takes you exploring the fundamentals of faith. Develop a faith that works and responds to The WORD of God, so you can receive your healing today!


Faith In God Leads You to THE BLESSING

Faith In God Leads You to THE BLESSING

2 June 2023 |

There is great reward in putting your faith in God! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he shares how to live by faith every day and how to express it with corresponding action. Learn how the law of faith works and how you can choose to live a victorious life… Read More


May 2023

Our Covenant of Healing and Faith

Our Covenant of Healing and Faith

12 May 2023 | &

Have faith in the Name that heals! This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens as they teach about our blood covenant of healing and faith through Jesus. Become the prosperous believer God created you to be, as you learn about covenant love. Discover the healing power that comes… Read More


March 2023

Faith and Love

Faith and Love: Our Way of Life

31 March 2023 |

What does it mean to live by faith? This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he reminds you that—as believers—faith and Love are our way of life. Gain God’s wisdom and begin living in His creative force of faith, as you learn how the power of faith and Love work together!


Faith and Love

Love Is the Secret to Success

24 March 2023 |

Let Love take over! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he reveals how Love is the secret to success. Learn to love God by keeping His commandments and taking a stand on His WORD. Dwell in Love, and you’ll dwell in God!


What a Life of Faith Looks Like

What a Life of Faith Looks Like

17 March 2023 |

Why live by faith? This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he shows you what a life of faith looks like. Get your faith ready to respond in obedience as you learn to choose God’s system and walk in His covenant BLESSINGS!


February 2023

The Spirit of Faith

The Spirit of Faith

17 February 2023 | & &

The spirit of faith inside you is ready to move your mountains! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland, and Mark and Trina Hankins discuss how your victory springs on two hinges—your believing and your speaking. Listen in as this powerful trio discuss how to build the spirit of faith and operate in… Read More


January 2023

Jesus The Prophet of God

Jesus, the Prophet of God

27 January 2023 |

Did you know Jesus was a prophet? This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he discusses Jesus, the prophet of God. Discover what a prophet is and the reason why prophets are significant. Learn the important role prophets, as well as all believers, have to unify and edify the Body of… Read More


Freedom From Fear

Freedom From Fear

20 January 2023 | &

What is fear? This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Pastor George Pearsons and Pastor Terri Pearsons as they teach you how to gain freedom from fear. You have been redeemed! Discover how to take your authority over fear so you can live completely fear free as the Lord intended you to!


December 2022

The Real Story of Christmas

The Real Story of Christmas

16 December 2022 | &

Christmas is the birth of God’s glorious plan! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Kellie Copeland as they reveal the real story of Christmas. On this adventure, you’ll meet Joseph, the earthly father to Jesus, and learn who the Magi were. Dive deep into the heart of the Father this… Read More


Faith For Prosperity

Faith for Prosperity

2 December 2022 |

Faith works! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he shares how to increase your faith for prosperity. Discover how to fill your mouth with God’s words, and learn the importance of using your prosperity to bless others. God intends for you to have faith that prospers!


November 2022

Words Are Spiritual Containers

Words Are Spiritual Containers

11 November 2022 | &

No matter what language you speak or what part of the world you are from—your words have power! Join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens this week on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how words are spiritual containers that release power. Learn how to engage your faith by speaking God’s words!


October 2022

The Names of God Are One

Recurrent Faith Training

21 October 2022 |

To become proficient in the use of your faith, you must become skilled in the fundamentals! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland for recurrent faith training. You’ll be refreshed in important faith principles that are vital for you to experience victory in every area of life!


The Names of God Are One

The Names of God Are One

21 October 2022 |

In the Bible, God has many Names to describe who He is, and He never changes! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland teaches how the Names of God are One. Discover how you have inherited the Name above every name and what that means to your life as a believer!


Faith Connects You to THE BLESSING

Faith Connects You to THE BLESSING

7 October 2022 |

Faith is a gift of God—and faith connects you to THE BLESSING and to Him! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you all about the powerful BLESSING of a covenant with God. Learn to confidently have faith in God and speak your desired result, so He can connect… Read More


September 2022

God's Supply Chain

God’s Supply Chain – Part 2

30 September 2022 | &

This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Pastor George Pearsons and Pastor Terri Pearsons continue discussing the mighty power of God’s supply chain. Uncover the five things we must do to prosper in tough times and learn how you’ve been redeemed from the curse of the law. Rest assured knowing that everything is going… Read More


The Bible Is a Prayer Book

The Bible Is a Prayer Book

16 September 2022 | &

The Bible is a prayer book! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he continues to dive into the importance of prayer. Discover the prayer of praise, the prayer of agreement and faith, and the weapons that guarantee results in prayer, so you can live a life of VICTORY. Be encouraged… Read More


The Simplicity of Faith

The Simplicity of Faith

2 September 2022 |

This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he shares the simplicity of faith. Discover the creative force of God that faith is, as you uncover how faith says and expects. It is by faith that we don’t have to worry—we can cast all our cares on Jesus!


August 2022

God's Supply Chain

God’s Supply Chain – Part 2

5 August 2022 | &

This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Pastor George Pearsons and Pastor Terri Pearsons continue discussing the mighty power of God’s supply chain. Uncover the five things we must do to prosper in tough times and learn how you’ve been redeemed from the curse of the law. Rest assured knowing that everything is going… Read More


July 2022

Master the Fundamentals of Faith

Master the Fundamentals of Faith

8 July 2022 |

Faith speaks, acts and receives! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how to master the fundamentals of faith, so you can receive every precious promise from God. Learn how to activate the spiritual law of faith by believing in your heart and speaking with your mouth. Discover… Read More


April 2022

The Shemitah Year

Resting in a Shemitah Year

8 April 2022 | &

2022 is a Shemitah year! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens continue teaching about the vital importance of resting in a Shemitah year. Learn how you can take time to listen to God, put your faith in His Name, and renew your mind to who He is,… Read More


The Shemitah Year

2022 – A Shemitah Year

8 April 2022 | &

2022 is a Shemitah year! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens teach the prophetic and numerical patterns of a Shemitah year. Learn all about this sabbath year and how you can be living in God’s protection when you only allow yourself to rest.


How To Choose Faith Over Fear

How To Choose Faith Over Fear

1 April 2022 |

Fear is not OK! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how to choose faith over fear, so you can live surrounded by THE BLESSING wall. Learn to stop the fear, and watch your faith put God on the move in every area of your life!


February 2022

Releasing the Nature and Power of God in You—Part 2

Releasing the Nature and Power of God in You—Part 2

25 February 2022 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens as they continue their teaching about releasing the nature and power of God in you. Learn how there is a way to live a life without failure and fear, and if you will take hold of what you learn this week,… Read More


Releasing the Nature and Power of God in You—Part 1

Releasing the Nature and Power of God in You – Part One

25 February 2022 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens as they uncover the divine nature already inside you because of the covenant God made with Jesus. Releasing the nature and power of God in you impacts every area of your life— and even the world—with the attributes of Jesus! Study… Read More


January 2022

A Life That Runs On Faith

Living Life in the Faith Lane

28 January 2022 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you the secret to living life in the faith lane! Learn what it means to choose life over death and how to be intentional about pursuing a life of faith. Study notes available at kcm.org/notes.


A Life That Runs On Faith

A Life That Runs On Faith

28 January 2022 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he reminds you of the strategies for living a life that runs on faith. Learn that no matter what is going on in your life, faith always comes, faith always does, and faith always works! Study notes available at kcm.org/notes.


It Can Be Done - Jeremey Pearsons and Kenneth Copeland

The Wisdom of God Will Guide You

14 January 2022 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Jeremy Pearsons as they share why in 2022, you’ll know what to do! Learn to apply the 2022 word of The LORD to Brother Copeland to your life for a dream-fulfilling year. The wisdom of God will guide you, so don’t move too quickly… Read More


December 2021

The Reward of Living an Uncompromised Life - Victory Broadcast link Jan 03 2022

The Reward of Living an Uncompromised Life

31 December 2021 | & &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth, Gloria and Kellie Copeland as they share about the great reward of living an uncompromised life. Learn how to stand firm on God’s WORD, refuse to compromise no matter what the circumstances, and come out victorious on the other side every time!


Celebrating the Magnificent Life of Jesus - KCM Europe Christmas 2021 Broadcast link

Celebrate The Magnificent Life of Jesus

17 December 2021 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland in celebrating the magnificent life of Jesus. Discover how His birth was the Light to the gentile world, how He increased in wisdom and grace, and how He came to be the shining example of love and compassion to us all!


Christmas 2021 broadcast - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe

Christmas Through The Eyes of Faith

17 December 2021 | &

We’re celebrating the birth of Jesus! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland as they teach you to look at Christmas through the eyes of faith. Join them on a journey of faith through the supernatural events that took place at Christmas. Discover how you can see the same manifestation… Read More


A Faith Refresher Broadcast Image link from KCM Europe

A Faith Refresher

10 December 2021 |

It’s time for a faith refresher! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he reminds you why faith is the center point of everything you desire most in this life. Learn to choose faith through cultivating the fruit of the spirit, taking God at His WORD, and speaking ONLY words of… Read More


November 2021

Winning the Battle With Faith and Love

13 November 2021 | & &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland, Pastor George Pearsons and Pastor Terri Pearsons as they teach you how to win the battle with faith and love. Learn how doing it love’s way and fighting the good fight of faith are the keys to not only your personal success, but the success… Read More


Winning the Battle with Faith and Love broadcast image link

Winning the Battle With Faith and Love

12 November 2021 | & &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland, Pastor George Pearsons and Pastor Terri Pearsons as they teach you how to win the battle with faith and love. Learn how doing it love’s way and fighting the good fight of faith are the keys to not only your personal success, but the success… Read More


Love: The Gateway to Success

5 November 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how to operate in the agape kind of love, which is the gateway to success. Find out how to open the door to love, operate in the kingdom of love, and fuel your faith for ultimate victory!


September 2021

Kenneth Copeland

What Is Revelation Knowledge?

24 September 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you to answer the question, with certainty and passion, what is revelation knowledge? Discover the difference between revelation knowledge and sense knowledge. Find out how to put your spirit, soul and body in the right order and receive revelation knowledge in your… Read More


Kenneth Copeland

Faith Prepares for What It Expects

24 September 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches the signs of operating in authentic faith. Learn how faith speaks, acts and prepares for THE BLESSING of God. You’ll see how to develop faith that prepares for what it expects!


The Untouchables - Victory TV Broadcast 13th September 2021

“The Untouchables”—Part 2

17 September 2021 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons as they continue their teaching about living in the covenant promise of protection as “The Untouchables.” Learn how to keep yourself in the safe zone by putting your God-given tools of protection to work every day! Study notes available at kcm.org.uk/notes.


Faith That Overcomes Anything - Daily Broadcast link - 6th September 2021

Faith That Overcomes Anything

3 September 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you to stand in your covenant authority, and use your faith to overcome anything that comes your way. Understand the influence of the kingdom of darkness, how to overcome the attacks of the devil, and how to receive every BLESSING of God… Read More


August 2021

Faith Refresher - Victory Broadcast 23rd August 2021

A Faith Refresher

20 August 2021 |

It’s time for a faith refresher! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he reminds you why faith is the center point of everything you desire most in this life. Learn to choose faith through cultivating the fruit of the spirit, taking God at His WORD, and speaking ONLY words of… Read More


July 2021

Growing Up Spiritually

Growing Up Spiritually

23 July 2021 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens as they take you through a journey of growing up spiritually by developing your faith in the goodness of God. Learn how to overcome double-minded thinking, trust in God’s love, and fix your mind on Him for a life worth living!


The Goodness of God Chases After You - Victory broadcast from KCM Europe

The Goodness of God Chases After You

23 July 2021 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens as they share how the goodness of God follows every believer for life. Learn to look for and expect His goodness in every area of your life. The goodness of God is powerful and His goodness chases after you!


May 2021

No More Limits— Part 1 - Victory Broadcast from KCM Europe

No More Limits—Part 2

7 May 2021 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons as they teach you how to live a life with no more limits by feeding on, meditating on, acting on and believing The WORD of God. Learn to move into a new realm of super-prosperity when you take all the limits… Read More


No More Limits— Part 1 - Victory Broadcast from KCM Europe

No More Limits— Part 1

7 May 2021 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons as they teach how to step up your faith and stir up the spirit of faith through total immersion in The WORD of God! Learn to conquer and take victory in every area of your life by deciding to put no… Read More


April 2021

Living a Life of Faith Victory TV Broadcast

Living a Life of Faith

30 April 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you why living a life of faith begins by mastering the fundamentals of faith. Learn how thoughts, words and actions combined with right believing will always bring the victory.


March 2021

Faith Prepares for What It Expects

Faith Prepares for What It Expects

12 March 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches the signs of operating in authentic faith. Learn how faith speaks, acts and prepares for THE BLESSING of God. You’ll see how to develop faith that prepares for what it expects!


February 2021

Faith Is Today Victory Broadcast from KCM Europe

Faith Is Today

19 February 2021 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how to approach the promises of God with a now kind of faith. Learn to receive your breakthrough and every part of THE BLESSING every day—not out in the future somewhere, because faith is TODAY!


Uncommon Faith Pt 2 from KCM Europe

Uncommon Faith—Part 2

5 February 2021 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons explore Hebrews 12 and teach you how to develop an uncommon faith. They show what it means to meditate on God’s Word and how doing so can increase your faith in God. Don’t miss this life-changing series!


Uncommon Faith Pt 2 from KCM Europe

Uncommon Faith—Part 1

5 February 2021 | &

What is uncommon faith? This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teach you how to develop an uncommon faith in every area of life. You’ll learn to apply God’s Word and take victory no matter what comes your way! Do not miss a day!


January 2021

Becoming Rooted in the Basics of Faith

Becoming Rooted in the Basics of Faith

22 January 2021 |

Do you know the ABCs of faith? This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches how becoming rooted in the basics of faith will produce maximum victory in your life. Learn why your believing and speaking, as well as life choices, will determine your outcome.


October 2020

Faith Is - How To Move A Mountain BVOV Broadcast in 3 Parts

Faith Is – How To Move A Mountain (Part 3)

9 October 2020 |

God has given all things to Body of Christ to enjoy. This week on the Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he explains what your Heavenly Grant is and how to access it by faith, so you can to walk in your benefits of Heaven. First Shown May 2016


Faith Is - How To Move A Mountain BVOV Broadcast in 3 Parts

Faith Is – How To Move A Mountain (Part 2)

9 October 2020 |

Welcome to a special week on the Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he continues his teaching on the foundations of faith. Today, he reveals how faith receives and why faith is an issue of the heart.


Faith Is - How To Move A Mountain BVOV Broadcast in 3 Parts

Faith Is – How To Move A Mountain (Part 1)

9 October 2020 |

This week on the Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he begins a 3-week study on the subject of faith. Do not miss this powerful foundational study, as he teaches us how faith works, how to activate your faith, and how to use faith as a tool.


Prayer that changes everything

Prayer That Changes Everything

3 October 2020 | & &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he sits down with Mary Colbert and Dr Don Colbert to discuss Mary’s new book, Prayer That Changes Everything. Between fun and inspirational stories, you will learn why your faith must be in constant motion. If you have quit dreaming and believing, it is… Read More


September 2020

7th September 2020 BVOV

Key Principles That Activate Powerful Faith

4 September 2020 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches key principles that activate powerful faith. Learn why faith has to be activated through rejecting strife, applying four action steps, the power of agreement, and claiming your rights in Jesus. Do not leave anything on the table. Maximize your faith with these… Read More


August 2020

How the Righteous Live By Faith

14 August 2020 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how the righteous live by faith. You’ll learn to wake up to righteousness, use your faith in the Name of Jesus and in God the Provider, and how to put action to your faith. When you live by faith, nothing will… Read More


Preview image for 10th Aug 2020 BVOV

Faith Is the Great Accomplisher

7 August 2020 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how faith is the great accomplisher of victory in your life! Learn how faith can make a somebody out of a nobody, stop fear, and take victory even in the most dire circumstances. It’s time to put faith to work in… Read More


July 2020

BVOV Featured image 2020.08.03

Faith and Victory Are Inside You

31 July 2020 |

Faith and victory are inside you! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches why living in faith and victory is as simple as being God-inside minded. Learn why your faith in God as your Source, your faith-filled words, and tapping into the Spirit of Power inside you are the… Read More


May 2020


Fear Is Not OK

8 May 2020 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland as they teach the basic fundamentals of how fear works to attract failure in the same way faith attracts success. Learn why fear is not OK and how fear and faith are opposite spiritual forces. If you’re headed one way in fear, all… Read More



A Faith Refresher: How to Conquer During Trials

8 May 2020 | &

Respond in Faith, the love of Jesus overcomes anything you can ever face! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland as they share how you can respond in faith in the face of a dangerous situation like the coronavirus. This faith refresher will teach you how to conquer during trials… Read More


March 2020

BVOV TV link 30-Mar-2020

The Blood Covenant of God

27 March 2020 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you the significance of the blood covenant of God that most Christians don’t fully comprehend. When you learn the depth of the meaning of the covenant God has with you, you’ll never question what belongs to you again!


BVOV TV link 13th Jan 2020

Bulldog Faith—Part 2

6 March 2020 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teaching you how to use bulldog faith to get everything you need and desire. Learn to be determined, focused and fully persuaded; then take what belongs to you through Christ Jesus! Study notes available at kcm.org.uk/notes. This series was previously aired… Read More


BVOV TV link 13th Jan 2020

Bulldog Faith—Part I

6 March 2020 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teaching you how to develop the kind of faith that latches on to the promises of God’s WORD and won’t let go until you see victory. Learn why bulldog faith is the answer to every situation. Study notes available at kcm.org.uk/notes…. Read More


February 2020

Accessing the spiritual force of faith

God, the Covenant and the Contradiction

4 February 2020 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland teaching you how you will always have a choice between believing God’s covenant with you and believing the contradiction of natural evidence. Learn how to choose between God, the covenant and the contradiction using right words! Study notes available at… Read More


January 2020

Accessing the spiritual force of faith

Accessing the Faith of God

31 January 2020 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland teaching the students of Kenneth Copeland Bible College™ how to tap into the spiritual force that lives inside. Learn how to function on purpose in the same force that created the universe. Accessing the faith of God is in your hands! Study notes available at… Read More


Featured image for Home Page 27th Jan 2020

Faith Is the Connector to Healing

25 January 2020 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland teaching a powerful session of Healing School! Learn why faith is the connector to healing, and how you can relax in God and plug into The WORD to receive what you need. Then, witness a powerful time of ministry as believers come to receive their… Read More


Preview image for Jan 2020 Week 2

Becoming a Faith Specialist

4 January 2020 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you about becoming a faith specialist by staying in your calling, acting boldly on your faith, tuning in to the Spirit of God, and guarding your words. When we each flow in our callings from God, we see the big picture of… Read More


December 2019

Preview image for Week5 Dec 2019

Looking Forward to 2020 With Great Expectation

21 December 2019 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland as they embark on a spiritual journey, looking forward to 2020. Be part of this special time of hope and expectation. What can you expect in 2020? Find out this week in a powerful discussion about visions, dreams, prophecies, intercessions and rewards! Study… Read More


Preview image for 16th Dec 2019

The Greater One in You

14 December 2019 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland teaching you to tune in to the Greater One in you for instruction, insight, new ideas, correction and answers to your every need. Learn how to access everything you need right on the inside of you. Study notes available at kcm.org.uk/notes. This series was previously… Read More


November 2019

BVOV Title image 18th Nov 2019

Steps to Releasing Your Faith

16 November 2019 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland teaching you the surefire way to release your faith for miraculous results. Learn the steps to releasing your faith that cannot fail, and unlock the blessings of God in your life. Study notes available at https://kcm.org.uk/notes.


September 2019

BVOV Preview image for week beginning 23rd September 2019

It’s Not Over Until You Win

21 September 2019 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland and Marilyn Hickey as they discuss Marilyn’s new autobiography and the supernatural experiences she’s had in her life and ministry. Above all, learn why, no matter what your circumstances, it’s not over until you win. Study notes available at kcm.org.uk/notes.


Activating anointing power - featured image for BVOV Week 2 Sept 2019

Faith Activates the Anointing Power of God

7 September 2019 | &

Join Kenneth Copeland sharing how activating the anointing power of God is by putting your faith in His WORD. Learn to release your faith and watch the Holy Spirit move in your life like never before! Study notes available at https://kcm.org.uk/notes. This series was previously aired March 27-31, 2017.


August 2019

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Faith: A Matter of Your Heart, Not Your Mind

30 August 2019 |

Join Kenneth Copeland on the Believer’s Voice of Victory sharing how faith is of the heart and not the mind. Discover where faith comes from, how you can increase your faith and go to new levels in your walk with God. Study notes available at https://kcm.org.uk/notes. This broadcast is part of a series previously aired… Read More


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Learning to Release Your Faith for Results

23 August 2019 |

Join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you the importance of learning to release your faith for results. Find out how to activate your faith and what will cause you to receive the results you need. Hint: Words, actions, love and boldness are all key! Study notes available at https://kcm.org.uk/notes.


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How to Live by Faith Using Spiritual Laws

16 August 2019 | & &

Join Kenneth Copeland with his special guests Mylon and Christi Le Fevre as they delve into the fundamentals of faith. Firstly, how they cause your authority to be effective. Secondly, learn how to live by faith using spiritual laws.  In conclusion, never wonder if you’ll receive what you need again. Study notes available at kcm.org/notes.


July 2019

BVOV 29th July 2019 Raising a Family in the household of faith

Raising a Family in the House of Faith

27 July 2019 | &

Join Jeremy and Sarah Pearsons as they share how raising a family in the house of faith distinguishes you from everyone else.


BVOV 29th July 2019 Preview

Living a Legacy of Faith

20 July 2019 | &

Join Jeremy and Sarah Pearsons as they share what it is to be building a legacy of faith.


BVOV 15th July 2019 Preview

The Anointing Has Everything You Need

15 July 2019 |

Join Kenneth Copeland as he shares how the Anointing destroys every part of the curse—sin, sickness and financial struggles.


June 2019

THE BLESSING Is the Full Package

3 June 2019 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches a special session to students at Kenneth Copeland Bible College™. Learn how THE BLESSING is the full package that includes everything you need to live a successful and happy life!


May 2019

Total Immersion in God’s WORD Brings His Results (Rerun)

27 May 2019 |

It’s up to you to become strong in spiritual things! As previously aired on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland discusses how total immersion in God’s WORD brings His results. In this world of distractions, determine to immerse yourself completely in God’s WORD, so you can experience success in every area of your life! Previously… Read More


God’s Way of Doing Things (Rerun)

20 May 2019 |

You can know God’s way of doing things! He does things by love, His WORD, faith and His Holy Spirit. As previously aired on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland shares how you can change your ways to fit God’s ways, so you can get His results. Previously aired January 2017.  


February 2019

Marvels, Wonders and Extraordinary Manifestations

25 February 2019 | &

You can expect miracles in 2019! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Pastor George Pearsons and Jerry Savelle as they unpack the word of The LORD to Jerry Savelle for 2019, calling for the Church to expect marvels, wonders and extraordinary manifestations. Learn how you can have faith for miracles in 2019!


Faith in the Love of God Brings Results (Rerun)

11 February 2019 |

This week (as previously aired) on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches how God is Love, and putting your faith in that Love brings miraculous results in your life. Learn how love is the foundation of your faith that makes anything possible! Previously aired August 2017.


December 2018

The Simplicity of Faith

24 December 2018 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland as they share how to use the force of faith to move from hope to manifestation in every area of your life! Learn to get rid of discouragement and confusion through a revelation of the simplicity of faith.


The Laws of the Spirit

10 December 2018 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland on the campus of the NEW Kenneth Copeland Bible College® as he teaches how the laws of the Spirit are predictable—they work in the same way every time! If you want victory, you have to honor the laws of faith, words, believing, forgiveness and love…. Read More


How Faith Functions

3 December 2018 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland on the campus of the NEW Kenneth Copeland Bible College as he teaches students (including you!) how faith functions and how you can see regular manifestations of God’s goodness in your life. Class is in session! And faith never fails.


November 2018

Putting the Basics of Faith Into Action

26 November 2018 |

In this Believer’s Voice of Victory series, Kenneth Copeland gives practical applications of the fundamental basics of faith—believing, speaking and acting on The WORD of God. The Bible is full of examples of those who received the outstanding promises of God by putting their faith to work. Begin putting the basics of faith into action,… Read More


The Laws of Faith

19 November 2018 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland guide you through the laws of faith and teach you how to build a solid foundation for operating in the supernatural. Tune in and learn how to become a faith champion!


Back to the Basics of Faith

12 November 2018 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland takes us back to the basics of faith. Mark 11:22-26 is the foundation scripture you can apply to any and every “faith project” in life. Get ready to dig into God’s WORD to discover the basics of faith you can apply every day, so you can… Read More


2017 Washington DC Victory Campaign (Rerun)

5 November 2018 |

The devil is a legalist! So, we need to follow the example Jesus set for us and only speak the desired end result. Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains how the force of faith works and how it is released by your words. When you choose your words, you choose your future!… Read More


September 2018

The Hindrances to Faith

10 September 2018 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he shares the hindrances to faith, which begin and end with what you believe about who you are in Christ Jesus. Learn to identify and remedy wrong thinking in your life and renew your mind to the truth. It’s time to break through to… Read More


The Fundamentals of Faith

3 September 2018 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he shares how to become a champion in life through mastering the fundamentals of faith. Learn how practicing the ABCs of faith again and again will lead to unprecedented victory!


August 2018

Mastering the Basics of Faith

27 August 2018 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he shares the ABC’s of faith and how becoming strong in the fundamentals will lead to victory! Learn how to become a champion in faith through mastering the basics of faith.


Faith for Healing 101

6 August 2018 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland will help you build your faith for healing by sharing 101 things God says about healing. Learn about divine healing and how you can receive your healing from God by faith. If you need physical, mental or emotional healing, you don’t want to miss this week’s… Read More


July 2018

A Faith-in-the-Name-of-Jesus Breakthrough

9 July 2018 |

Do you need breakthrough in your life? This week on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, Kenneth Copeland will reveal how any person—even you—can receive a faith-in-the-Name-of-Jesus breakthrough. If you’re willing to step out and use the Name of Jesus, you will see your faith bring the results you desire. Don’t miss a single broadcast!


May 2018

How to Develop Uncommon Faith

14 May 2018 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons explore Hebrews 12 and teach you how to develop an uncommon faith. They show what it means to meditate on God’s Word and how doing so can increase your faith in God. Don’t miss this life-changing series!


What is Uncommon Faith?

7 May 2018 | &

Are you ready to think big? On the Believer’s Voice of Victory, Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons teach you how to have faith for your vision so you are ready to answer the command to expand!


February 2018

Healing School – 2017 Dayton

12 February 2018 |

In this episode of Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland teaches God’s instruction for receiving your healing by faith. Healing is a gift that came to mankind when Jesus died and rose again. Now, it’s up to you to access that healing by listening to and obeying God’s WORD.


August 2017

Faith in the Love of God Brings Results

6 August 2017 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, watch Kenneth Copeland teach how God is Love and how His love is the foundation of your faith. Learn how faith in God’s love will cause miraculous results in your life in every situation!


July 2017

Faith in God Prevails

30 July 2017 |

This week on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, watch Kenneth Copeland teach you how to feed and release your faith, and receive all that God has for you. Allow your faith in God to prevail in every situation!


May 2017

Faith Activates the Anointing

7 May 2017 |

Watch Kenneth Copeland this week on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast share how to activate the anointing power of God by putting your faith in His WORD. Learn to release your faith and watch the Holy Spirit move in your life like never before!  Are you ready to activate your faith to release His anointing… Read More


April 2017

It Can Be Done - Jeremey Pearsons and Kenneth Copeland

Fit For the Master’s Use

9 April 2017 |

Watch Jeremy Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares how to become fit for God’s calling by allowing Him to breathe strength into your heart. A strong heart equals strong faith.Watch Jeremy Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares how to become fit for God’s calling by allowing Him to breathe strength into… Read More


It Can Be Done - Jeremey Pearsons and Kenneth Copeland

Fit for the Fight of Faith

2 April 2017 |

Watch Jeremy Pearsons on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast as he shares how to get in shape spiritually and become engaged in faith, so you can be fully equipped to carry out God’s call on your life.