Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcasts

February 2022

The Path To Healing

The Path to Healing

11 February 2022 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you the path to healing through correction, going beyond believing, owning what belongs to you, and going to the root of your problem. Learn to look at healing the way Jesus did and how to apply faith the way He taught to… Read More


January 2022

A Life That Runs On Faith

Living Life in the Faith Lane

28 January 2022 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you the secret to living life in the faith lane! Learn what it means to choose life over death and how to be intentional about pursuing a life of faith. Study notes available at


A Life That Runs On Faith

A Life That Runs On Faith

28 January 2022 |

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he reminds you of the strategies for living a life that runs on faith. Learn that no matter what is going on in your life, faith always comes, faith always does, and faith always works! Study notes available at


The Wisdom of God

The Wisdom of God Is Yours

16 January 2022 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland, Jeremy Pearsons and Sarah Pearsons as they share from The WORD of God and through personal stories why we, as believers, should seek God’s wisdom in every part of our lives. Learn how the wisdom of God is yours for the taking and how to… Read More


It Can Be Done - Jeremey Pearsons and Kenneth Copeland

The Wisdom of God Will Guide You

14 January 2022 | &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth Copeland and Jeremy Pearsons as they share why in 2022, you’ll know what to do! Learn to apply the 2022 word of The LORD to Brother Copeland to your life for a dream-fulfilling year. The wisdom of God will guide you, so don’t move too quickly… Read More


Love Is Always the Answer

2 January 2022 | & &

This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory join Kenneth, Gloria and Kellie Copeland as they teach how love is not only a commandment but also the greatest gift we have been given by God. Learn to start your year off right by laying a strong foundation of love in your life. When you do, you… Read More