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No Longer Strangers from the Covenants of Promise

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You were created to take part in God’s Covenant! In the No Longer Strangers from the Covenants of Promise Series, Kenneth Copeland and Greg Stephens take you deeper into the revelation of God’s covenants with humanity! God’s Word is packed from beginning to end with the truth of His covenant promises to His people. In these comprehensive teachings you will discover how we, as Christians, are destined to be intimately acquainted with God and His better covenant. Series available on MP3 Disc, 5 DVD set or Digital Download.


Blessed to Be a Blessing

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God wants to bless you. He has made all of heaven's supply available to you. But the blessings of God are not automatic. You have a part to play. To find it, you'll need to look no further than the Holy Bible. Find out the truth about God’s promises and how to tap in to heaven’s economy. Discover that God is not keeping prosperity from you, but has provided a sure way to get it to you. Learn how to take action on His promises and become a valuable asset to the kingdom as you are Blessed to Be a Blessing! Paperback Book or Digital Download By Kenneth Copeland Previously titled: Managing God's Mutual Funds - Yours and His.


Walking in the Fruit of the Spirit

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The fruit of the spirit are powerful spiritual forces. More than just nice Christian character traits, they're supernatural powerhouses—expressions of the might of God Himself that make us more than conquerors in every situation! Each fruit of the re-created human spirit empowers believers to walk above the temptations and snares of this fallen world into the blessing and wholeness Jesus provided for us. Each equips us with an aspect of divine power that enables us to meet the challenges of life and come through in victory. Learn how to develop and walk confidently in these fruit daily to live the overcoming life God planned for you and to be a light and blessing wherever you go! Paperback Book by Gloria Copeland  


Faith To Be Made Whole

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In Kenneth Copeland’s teaching, Faith to Be Made Whole, you will discover that God has called you to faith for your healing and wholeness. This series answers many questions and reveals insights about faith that contain the power that can bring the health and wholeness to your life: Is it God’s will for me to be healed? How can I obtain healing in my body? Why am I not convinced that Jesus’ ministry of healing is for me? How do I put my faith into full operation to receive all The LORD has for me? How do I get my prayers answered? 15 Messages By Kenneth Copeland


Becoming a Man of God

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Discover insights into men's roles in marriage, parenting, business, religion and politics in an increasingly confusing and challenging society. Digital Audio Teaching 10 Messages By Kenneth Copeland and Dr Edwin Louis Cole