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You Determine Your Blessing

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Don't let offence rob you of THE BLESSING. Digital Audio Message By Kenneth Copeland


The Fruit of the Spirit – Joy

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Renew your inner strength through the spiritual fruit of joy! It’s not dependent on outward conditions—or even the ebb and flow of your emotions. Your joy comes from your relationship with the Lord—poured into your life as you abide in the love of God! In this series you’ll learn: How to reduce your stress level The answer to overcoming depression How joy helps in receiving the things God has already given to you Where to find true happiness And more! Learn more about the strength that will help you make it through even the most discouraging times. Discover the invincible fruit of joy, today! Digital Audio Teaching 4 Messages By Gloria Copeland


Blessings of Daniel

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Daniel was a man that blessed God. He prayed and God sent an angel because of his words. The angel was engaged in warfare for 21 days. On another occasion, God sent horses and chariots of fire to assist Elisha in battle. These are only two examples from the Old Testament of the great things that God did for His people. As Brother Copland explains in this series, the believer has the Greater One living in him. He has immediate access to the throne of God because of Jesus. He is our surety of a better covenant. Digital Audio Series 4 Messages By Kenneth Copeland


Simple Stress Relief Through Thanksgiving and Praise

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Stress. Pressure. Anxiety. They can easily overwhelm people—but they’re tools of the enemy to destroy lives. So how do you stop it? The answer is simple, but profoundly powerful. Join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland as they examine how thanksgiving and praise help bring the spiritual forces of peace and joy into any situation. They share how praise brought God’s presence and power that conquered armies and entire cities, preserved lives in the midst of destruction…and even overcame sin at the Cross. Don’t go another day under the pressures and problems of the enemy. Stop him in his tracks with thanksgiving and praise! Digital Audio Series 5 Messages By Kenneth and Gloria Copeland


Yield to Love-0

Yield to Love

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Let Love Take the Lead... God’s love is the driving force of life. God loved us first! Now we love Him. And every good thing we do in life is His expression of love through us for others! Kenneth and Gloria illustrate the force and the characteristics of love that lead us, every day, into every good thing He has planned for us and for every person He brings across our paths. Discover how to let love take the lead! 2 Messages on CD or Digital Download By Kenneth & Gloria Copeland