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The Force of Love

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It’s an irresistible force. A force that can revitalise your marriage, sweep your children into the kingdom of God and move any mountain that stands in your way. What’s the secret of love’s supernatural power? And why won’t your faith work without it? Find out! Let this powerful message show you how to release the revolutionary force of love. Digital Audio Message By Kenneth Copeland


Delivered From Fear

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In a world riddled with fear, wouldn’t it be nice to have peace of mind…no matter what? Well, that peace of mind can be yours for the taking. In Delivered From Fear, you’ll find that you are meant to be a part of a mighty army before whom fear has to bow it’s knee! In a time like never before-in a teaching like never before-Kenneth and Gloria Copeland team up to pull the plug on fear. Learn the simple, everyday decisions that can make the difference between walking in faith or being in fear. Digital Audio Series 5 Messages By Kenneth & Gloria Copeland


Don’t Stress Out – Trust God

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By choosing to take care of yourself, you’ve put all your trust in yourself…and all the credentials you think qualify you to do the job! God never intended you to carry such a load. He doesn’t want you to live under the stress of daily pressures and problems. He doesn’t want you to trust in only what you can accomplish—basing your trust on a wide range of skills, a keen sense for business, or your credit rating. He wants you to transfer your trust! Don’t waste your time taking care of yourself…and worrying about everything! There is a way to live free from the stress and cares of life. There is a way to transfer your trust…and go further than you could ever take yourself! Digital Audio Series 4 Messages By Kenneth Copeland


Intercessory Prayer

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Intercessory prayer brings the very presence of God to and upon men in any part of the world. It is prayer inspired by the Holy Spirit for someone else. It will overpower the evil spiritual forces that have others bound—whether it be for salvation, healing or any area of deliverance. In this series, Kenneth Copeland shares an in-depth study of the prayer of intercession—what it is and how it operates. Digital Audio Series 4 Messages By Kenneth Copeland


Prayer – Your Path to Every Victory

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“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive” (Matthew 21:22). Prayer must be the foundation of every Christian endeavour. The Bible says, “Men ought always to pray” (Luke 18:1) and be “fruitful in every good work” (Colossians 1:10). To do that, you need to know how to pray accurately. In this teaching series, Kenneth Copeland shares biblical insight and powerful truths about effective prayer including: Kinds of Prayer and How They Operate Weapons That Guarantee Results in Prayer Seven Steps to a Deeper Prayer Life Regardless of your background, education or ability, a foundation of prayer can make all the difference. Digital Audio Series 12 Messages By Kenneth Copeland