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Pleasing the Father

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The prophets of God are telling us we are about to see the greatest outpouring this earth has ever known. But if we want to be a part of God’s plan in these end times, we must do our part. What is our part? Simply to walk pleasing before Him—to think His thoughts, to speak His words. In other words, to walk in His ways. In this action-spurring challenge, Gloria Copeland discusses what it takes for you to do your part—to set yourself apart from the world and fulfil your “reasonable service” in God. Discover what it takes to live every day truly Pleasing the Father! Digital Minibook by Gloria Copeland


Fight On

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Like it or not, you are in a battle, “not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Every soldier knows that in a battle there are two choices—to fight or retreat. And Jesus’ command to believers was to resist the devil, not run from him. In Fight On! Gloria Copeland shares powerful truths from the Word that will help you stand fast until you win. Equip yourself to “fight the good fight of faith.” Rest assured, you can win because Jesus already won the victory. All you have to do is Fight On! Digital Book by Gloria Copeland


Covenant Made by Blood

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Covenant. To understand the true meaning of the word, you need more than just a definition. You need a revelation from Almighty God. A definition will only explain what a covenant is, but a revelation will cause you to stand steadfast—no matter what the circumstance. In this powerful series, Kenneth Copeland takes you on a journey through the Bible, celebrating the covenant connection that God has with man. You’ll learn that through your blood covenant with God, you are His family—receiving all His authority, protection and strength. You’ll also discover that the covenant God has made with you in Christ: Is woven throughout God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation Establishes a bond of love with God nothing can sever Breaks the curse, freeing you from all subjection to it Grants you right to every spiritual blessing as joint heir with Jesus Make no mistake about it, God has established an unbreakable relationship with you. Now it’s up to you to discover what that really means…and receive the powerful blessings God has for you. It’s all in his astonishing and wonderful Covenant Made by Blood! Six Messages on CD or Digital Download by Kenneth Copeland Study Guide also available


Pressing In – It’s Worth It All

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Everything you have been called to do in this life is impossible for you to do alone. But take heart. You were born again to accomplish hard things—impossible things! Gloria Copeland teaches you how to press in, to seize what is yours in the spirit realm and to enjoy great victory. You’ve already got what it takes to succeed inside you. Learn how to tap into that success and never give up! Press in—it’s worth it all! Digital Book by Gloria Copeland


The Power to be Forever Free

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What’s your weakness? You know the one. The habit that slithers up behind you (after you’ve broken it 20 times) and whispers, Come on, just one more won’t hurt, then wraps around you, tightening its grip until you give in—again. Anything can qualify. Satan isn’t picky. He’ll use whatever he can to get a hold on you. But there is a way to break his grip. For, whether you realize it or not, you have been given—The Power to Be Forever Free! Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland