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The Grace that Makes Us Holy

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Do you experience frustration trying to live the Christian life? When failure comes our way, getting back on the right track can sometimes seem hard to do. Living a holy lifestyle may seem impossible, but it isn’t—when God’s grace gives power to it! In The Grace That Makes Us Holy, Gloria Copeland takes a fresh look at the impact of grace on the holy life. God’s desire for holiness in your life is possible, but it’s only possible through Him! Experience: The dynamic influence of a holy lifestyle The difference between legalism and grace The understanding that holiness is not a set of rules and regulations The joy of learning how to hear and follow God’s specific direction for your life The transforming power of God’s Word Gloria gives simple steps you can take that will move you closer to God. And you’ll also find more than 150 Old and New Testament scriptures that will give you a solid foundation on which to build your life. Are you ready to start walking the way God intended for you? Tap into His empowerment through grace today! Digital Book by Gloria Copeland


Your Rightstanding with God

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How do you feel when you approach God with a request? Timid? Awkward? Apologetic? Cautious? Now, picture yourself walking into the throne room boldly, as clean and confident as Jesus Christ, Himself. Did you know you can? In fact, you will the moment you discover Your Right-Standing With God. Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland


Going Up – Promotion God’s Way Live Sermons

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In the Going Up–Live Sermon Digital Audio series, Pastor George Pearsons teaches from the Bible about the true Source of your promotion. Promotion is not something you seek, but it’s a harvest you reap. Learn how to position yourself and prepare your heart for promotion in this seven-message series. Digital Audio Series 7 Messages By Pastor George Pearsons


Consistency – The Powerhouse of Faith.

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Here’s the bottom line: Faith is the force that moves mountains and changes circumstances in your life. God’s Word, its source, is the answer to every situation and problem and has the power to overcome every challenge! But, how do you get that kind of faith? Kenneth and Gloria Copeland show you how to develop unshakeable, unswerving faith that can see you through to triumph in the most trying times. Building strong faith is simple when you do it God’s way. You’ll end up with a strong, solid foundation that’s immovable and unstoppable—the faith that lives in consistent victory! Previously published as the single messages Faith Like a Rock and Walking by Faith. Digital Audio series by Kenneth & Gloria Copeland  


Grace of Giving

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In this message, Gloria Copeland shows you how God’s definition of an acceptable gift has nothing to do with the amount you give, but everything to do with the motivation of your heart. She’ll also show you how easy it is to give from a cheerful heart—every time. Find out how God is able to supersede anything the world’s economy can create. And discover how He makes all grace come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation (2 Corinthians 9:8, The Amplified Bible). Digital Audio message by Gloria Copeland