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Paid in Full

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Every need of mankind has been met by God through the Cross of Calvary. The Cross was God’s plan to redeem man from Satan’s authority. It was through Adam’s transgression that man came under the dominion of the law of sin and death. However, the price has been paid. God has delivered us from the power of darkness. Satan no longer has the right to steal, kill and destroy where the believer is concerned. In this four-message series, Kenneth Copeland explains how you can experience the power of God in your life through the message of the Cross. Message Titles Include: The Great Exchange God’s Complete Communion The Price Is Paid Jesus—Our Faithful High Priest Digital Audio Series 4 Messages By Kenneth Copeland


Giving and Receiving

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Would you like to know how you can increase your income? Regardless of your status in life, there is a way. Sowing and reaping is a biblical principle that still works today. Learn how to put this fundamental Christian principle into operation in every area of life. Discover how to put the scriptural system of seedtime and harvest to work for you and reverse the ebbing tide of your life through Giving and Receiving. Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland


Love – The Secret to Your Success

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Some people think life’s a gamble. You win some, you lose some. But God’s dream is for you to have much more than that. His plan is for you to experience a life of guaranteed success and power. And love is the key that unlocks the door to failure-free living. Love never fails. When you live the love way—God’s way—failure becomes a thing of the past. God’s love opens the door to His power, abundance and blessing. Unlock the secret to the explosive power of Almighty God in your family, finances and future through the force of His unconditional love. Transform your world through Love—The Secret to Your Success. Minibook or Digital Download by Gloria Copeland


In Love there is No Fear

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A child whose parents care for him, protect him and love him unconditionally, has no reason to fear. In the same way, God says to you in His Word: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” That kind of love says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” In Love There Is No Fear will show you how, as God’s beloved, anointed child, you can take advantage of the authority and security that lies in the love of God. You’ll discover that, as a believer… Love Himself is living in you You have the ability to love and be loved You have the ability not to fear When you get a revelation of the love of God and begin to walk in it, fear won’t stand a chance in your life because In Love There Is No Fear! Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland


A House NOT Divided

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Warning: A destructive spirit of division has been assigned by the devil to destroy our homes, churches and nation. But, the good news is we can stand strong in the face of the devil's attempts to divide us! The Body of Christ has the power to keep the enemy in his place. When we stand our ground, he is rendered powerless to bring us down! When we set our hearts to stop division in its tracks, love, faith and reconciliation will abound. Nothing will be impossible for us! A house divided will fall...but as the Body of Christ, we can take a stand and be A House NOT Divided. Digital Book by Kenneth Copeland