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Don’t Give Up, Double Up!

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The only way the enemy can defeat you in any area of your life is if you give up. So how do you live in consistent victory? By doubling up on God’s Word and relying on its truth to bring you through! The promises of God's Word you feed on daily will give you the strength to push through difficulty, and lead you to victory every time. Gloria Copeland has lived her life with that assurance, and her life is living proof of God’s faithfulness to His Word. And as you put these truths into practice, yours will be, too. Learn how to never give up, but instead double up on God’s Word today! Digital Book By Gloria Copeland


God’s Success Formula

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“Real supernatural success is no picnic for anyone. It takes courage. It takes faith. And it doesn’t have anything at all to do with natural ability.” —Gloria Copeland Do you feel like you’ve tried and failed every success formula in the book? Well, then you haven’t tried the formula in God’s Book! It doesn’t demand you have “what it takes,” because it’s not based on your abilities––it’s based on His abilities. You’ll learn: Three powerful steps to supernatural success One of the greatest enemies of success What tactics the devil uses to keep you from success...and what you can do to stop him If you’ve been chasing success and failing, catch the truths in this book. Before long you won’t be chasing success...it’ll be chasing you! Digital Book by Gloria Copeland


Shine On

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Persecution is simply the devil’s plan to keep believers from completing God’s plan. And if you live by God’s plan, you will run into persecution...somewhere along the way. Gloria Copeland takes the mystery out of persecution, and lays out four steps that will keep you on top of it—not under it. Sure, you can expect persecution, but you can also prepare for it and overcome it. Now see why there’s no reason for it to hold you back—just every reason to Shine On! Digital Book by Gloria Copeland


This Same Jesus

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One of the greatest things about Jesus is that He never changes! In her book This Same Jesus, Gloria Copeland introduces you to Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever! We know all about Jesus from what we have read in the Bible – how He lived, what He did, how He interacted with His Father and with people. How Jesus lived during His days on earth is exactly the way He lives today through the power of the Holy Spirit within the family of God. He still heals and delivers wherever we take Him. He is willing to help, always looking for an opportunity to show people the Father’s love. Jesus still performs miracles. He supplies every need God’s people have and fulfills every dream. The miracles He performed during His life on earth are the same miracles He works today. Digital Book by Gloria Copeland


Love Your First Priority

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The world is always looking for people who will walk in love and prove to be the genuine article. They want to see the “real deal.” Sadly, many believers do not understand what it means to walk in true, godly love. Jesus said the first and greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. That means as a believer, your first priority is to love God and obey His commandments. Second, show love toward others. In these two powerful teachings, Kenneth Copeland shares that true success is not based on wealth, status or the next promotion. Rather, it comes through giving God’s Word first place—the No. 1 spot—in your heart and then walking in love. Start loving like God loves and begin to walk in true success, health and wealth—having all your need met spirit, soul and body. Digital Audio Series 2 Messages By Kenneth Copeland