In this time leading up to the blessed opportunity we have to cast our votes for the UK General Election on 4th July 2024, we can press in with fervent, effectual prayer that avails much.
Here are five prayer points that will pave the way for victory.

1. Pray for Christian Voters
“The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.” –Daniel 11:32 (ESV)
As you pray for the 2024 General Election, first and foremost, pray for Christian voters. You can do so as follows.
Pray that Christians will remember that their vote can make a difference.
Pray that, during this monumental opportunity to impact our entire nation, all Christians will honour Galatians 6:10 (MEV), which says, “As we have opportunity, let us do good,” and that they will vote for righteousness.
Pray for an unprecedented Christian voter turnout and that the Spirit of God will be over Christian voters as His Spirit was over the waters (Genesis 1:2).
Together, let’s expect the Church to unify and to see miracles like we’ve never seen in any election process before!
2. Pray for the Candidates
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” –1 Timothy 2:1-2 (ESV)
Through this verse, we are not only called to pray for leaders but also those seeking to become leaders. While we pray for those in authority every day, now is our opportunity to pray for the candidates as follows:
- Pray that godly men and women will rise up, run to become a member of Parliament and WIN.
- Pray for wisdom, strength and perseverance in the face of strong opposition.
- Pray for supernatural favour, for voters to show up in support of righteousness, and for even the unlikely candidates to take victory.
- Pray for the impossible to surprise even the most seasoned political analysts.
Never assume that something is a done deal. God delights in superseding what man thinks is possible. All we have to do is pray and believe!
3. Pray for the Election Process
“And I will make justice the line, and righteousness the plumb line.” – Isaiah 28:17 (ESV)
As faith people, we pray and believe for peace, justice and VICTORY. Here’s how you can pray for the election process:
- Pray that the Spirit of peace and order will sweep across the nation – thwarting the enemy’s attacks.
- Bind the spirit of unrest and anarchy in the Name of Jesus, and plead the blood of Jesus over our nation and our election process.
- Bind the spirit of deception and dishonesty from operating in the election process. Pray that only honest votes will be counted and that the outcome of the 2024 General Election will reflect the truth.
- Pray that there will be no room for argument in any race, but rather, that the outcome will be clear.
We do not receive the curse of lawlessness and unrest in this nation. We, as believers, stand up, use our authority, and declare that this is one nation under God, full of peace and prosperity. All her enemies must flee!
4. Pray for the Media
“But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” – Romans 1:18 (NLT)
It may seem impossible that the media could ever be on the right side, but all things are possible with God! In this time of divide in our nation, it is imperative that we pray for the media. They influence the way people think and can either stir up hate and division or promote unity and peace. During this election, pray for the media in this way:
- Ask God to bring what is in the dark into the light – to expose falsehoods and biased agendas in the election process.
- That truth will become the new standard in the news media, and that coverage will be honest, reliable and trustworthy.
- That all groups will receive fair and unbiased coverage in all reports.
- For Christians to rise up in places of authority in all media outlets.
Let’s believe together for a supernatural move of God over the media in the United Kingdom. Psalm 29:4-8 tells us that “the voice of the Lord is powerful…the voice of the Lord breaks the cedars…[and] shakes the wilderness.” So, we declare that the voice of the Lord is over the media and the 2024 elections!
5. Pray for a Great Awakening
“Now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” – Romans 13:11 (KJV)
Politicians are not the answer – a great awakening to God is what we need!
Pray for a great awakening to God in this way:
- Pray that humility will wash over all people and the veil will be lifted from the eyes of those who are clouded with the ways of the world.
- Pray against the spirit of deception and for God’s truth to prevail in our culture and nation.
- Pray for national repentance and a turning away from sin and toward God to take place.
- Ask the Lord to bring revival to the Church in a fresh, new way.
- Pray that pastors and Christian leaders will increase in boldness and preach only sound doctrine – and not that which will tickle the listeners’ ears.
- Pray that Christians and pastors will advance biblical values and select God-honouring leaders to preserve liberty in the Church so that we might freely fulfil the Great Commission.
In addition to these five prayer points, seek God and ask Him how to pray for the United Kingdom. The Holy Spirit knows just what to pray! Your vote is needed, your voice is needed, and your faith through prayer is needed in this hour. Rise up, Army of God – Your time has come!
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