Why You Shouldn't 'Give Up' on Prosperity

Why You Shouldn’t Give Up on Prosperity

When Ken and I first began to walk by faith, we were in a terrible financial condition. It would have been very easy at the time to give up and quit. But as the laws of prosperity became a reality to us, the light at the end of the tunnel became brighter and brighter. Our… Read More

5 Ways to Reap an Abundant Harvest

5 Ways To Reap an Abundant Harvest This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a timeless American tradition when we gather with family and friends to eat heartily, and give thanks to God. What’s equally important to know is why our Thanksgiving holiday was established. The first Thanksgiving, in 1621, was a festival to celebrate and exalt the Lord for a gloriously abundant harvest. After a brutal… Read More

6 Ways To Tackle Money - Blog Image

6 Ways to Tackle Money Problems

Many believers have trouble believing—really believing—they’ll ever be financially prosperous. They look at their mountain of bills, their dead-end jobs and the faltering economy, and they just can’t see how God could prosper them. When money problems come—and they come to many people—there are only two responses—the world’s way or God’s way. Sometimes you may… Read More

When You Should Use The Name of Jesus

4 Times When You Should Use the Name of Jesus

The devil is already defeated—but you have to enforce your victory! Here are four times when you should use the Name of Jesus. There is a force so vast in its power that it triumphs over any problem, any trial and any situation. Demons flee from it, disease cannot remain in the face of it,… Read More