How You Can Have Strong Friendships

Not only can you have meaningful friendships, but God desires them for you. He is interested in every aspect of your life. He desires the very best for you. Your heavenly Father sent His best—Jesus—to the cross on your behalf so that you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Your Lord… Read More

I Find no fault in you

I Find No Fault In You

Christmas at the Copelands. There is nothing quite like it. Being part of this amazing family, I have the joy of attending our Copeland Christmas Eve gatherings every year. Allow me to take you on a personal tour of this glorious evening. By Pastor George Pearsons

Win the World With Love

By Gloria Copeland “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.” 1 Peter 2:17 The reason we, as God’s children, are living on this earth is so that we can advance the kingdom of God. Certainly, God wants to bless us and give us wonderful lives, but if that is all He… Read More