“When He had removed him, He raised up David to be their king, of whom He testified, saying, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will fulfill My entire will’” (Acts 13:22, MEV).
David was considered “a man after God’s own heart,” and Jesus was called, “the Son of David.” Wow! Why is that? The Apostle Paul tells us in Acts 13:22, that it is because David had a heart willing to fulfill God’s entire will. We all know that David, like all of us, was by no means a perfect man. His life had both troubles and triumphs. But his heart to get God’s will done put him right in the middle of the most noble lineage of mankind: the lineage of Jesus.

David knew early in life that God was to be trusted and obeyed. Many times, God helped David defeat wild animals and protect his sheep. As a young boy, David proved his heart toward God when he defeated Goliath. As soon as he heard the words coming out of the giant’s mouth, his heart was stirred for the covenant of God and His people to be enforced. His complete trust in God to uphold that covenant led David into head-to-head battle with the uncircumcised Philistine and right through into victory!
As a young man, David’s heart for God’s will kept him from killing Saul even as Saul pursued David to kill him. He knew that Saul had been anointed by God, and he was not about to be the judge of God’s anointed (1 Samuel 24-28). This is because David loved the will and thus the Word of God—we see this in Psalm 119:47-48. Even when David missed it and sinned, he was quick to repent and receive forgiveness from God (Psalm 51).
The Psalms of David show us even more of his heart for God. They are full of praise and thanksgiving, adoration and reverence for God and His ways. Even more, through the unction of the Holy Spirit, some of these Psalms also prophesy of Jesus’ life to come. Jesus, about 1,000 years later. quoted a verse of Psalm 22 as He hung on the cross, and Psalm 16 speaks of His resurrection!
What an amazing thing that not only is David part of the lineage of Jesus, but because of his heart to fulfill the will of God, he played a vital role in bringing Jesus’ victory into the earth. Through David’s heart to fulfill the will of God for His people, God was able to continue His Redemption plan for all mankind in the earth…
Defeat Your Giant
Read Deuteronomy 28:16-68 (curses Christ has freed you from).
Live the Word
What giants are you facing today? Just like David, you can run at those giants with your mouth wide open, speaking the promises of God that defeat them. You are redeemed from the curse, from those giants that try to rise up in front of you. Do you believe that?
Speak the Word
I am redeemed from the curse because Jesus was made a curse for me. I am healed by His stripes. He purchased my freedom, my healing and my complete redemption. Today, I can live in victory!
Scripture Study: Deuteronomy 28; Galatians 3:13; Isaiah 53:5; Ephesians 1:15-23
You may be facing a giant today. He may be a giant of sickness or failure, of financial shortage or another kind of trouble. But don’t let him scare you. You have a secret weapon. A weapon that once turned a shepherd boy into a bear-busting, lion-killing, giant-slaying champion. That weapon was a blood covenant with Almighty God.
Just like David, you, too, have a covenant. But yours is better. You see, the covenant David had offered a wealth of blessings to those who kept it, but it also included curses for those who broke it. Yours doesn’t. Yours is a new covenant that Jesus bought with His own blood. It doesn’t depend on your ability. It depends on Him and what He has already done. He has done it all! All you must do is believe it and receive it.
Deuteronomy 28:16-68 is a list of the curses Christ has freed you from. You might even call it a list of the giants Jesus has already slain for you. It contains every diabolical thing the devil could ever use to destroy you…
Walking it out to victory:
- Read these curses and rejoice. Those are the things God has healed you of and delivered you from!
- Refuse to be intimidated by ANY giant. Remember, you have a blood covenant with Almighty God. There’s no uncircumcised circumstance on the face of this earth that can take your victory away from you.
- Declare your victory today. You are REDEEMED!
Click on the image below to download the PDF with the devotion and the craft activities related to David.