When it comes to elections, do you often find yourself puzzled as to whom you should vote for? Do you even consider not voting? Well, we have a biblical responsibility to be good stewards of all God has given us - including our government. So, that means participating in the voting process is not optional, but who we select is up to us.
However, as Christians, this can be challenging at times - often leaving us with one question: Who should I vote for?

There are many times when none of the choices seem to be a perfect fit, but here’s something important to remember: Your vote for one candidate is not a proclamation of your full faith in that person. Instead, it’s a decision to honour God with good stewardship. As Christians, we should be voting for people who will best represent and uphold biblical values.
So, whom should you vote for and how can you choose the right candidate? Below are some helpful tips to help:
1. Vote the platform, not the person.
Each political party has a platform that describes what it believes and what direction it wants to move the country. Each candidate will try to meet his or her party’s goals. While some elections present better candidates than others, our job is to evaluate each major party platform, determine which most closely represents biblical values, and vote for that candidate out of obedience and honour to God’s Word.
2. Research the candidates’ stances on important biblical issues.
When you find that you have several choices within the same platform, how can you narrow your choice down even further? The best way to foresee how a candidate will vote is to research and examine their record. Has this person voted to protect the sanctity of human life, traditional marriage and religious rights? Or have they voted against biblical values, or even remained silent? The evidence is in their former actions, so be sure to do your homework!
3. Guard against worldly influences.
The news media and other voices from every corner will try to influence you and draw you in a direction away from the Spirit of God. Cleverly designed commercials and ideas abound on your television screen, but you can choose to turn them off and, instead, tune in to the voice of the Lord.
Don’t let the enemy bring a spirit of confusion into your God-ordained right and responsibility to impact our political process for righteousness. Take a stand, be a voice, and be a good steward of the government God has given you. Base your decision on the Word of God ONLY – not your neighbour, your mum, your friends or your favourite television stars. There is only one right way – God’s way.
4. Pray for the election and those in authority.
During the election, and thereafter, we are called to pray for those in authority, according to 1 Timothy 2:1-2. That doesn’t mean only pray for those you like or agree with – it means pray for allwho are in authority.
Don’t wait until election time is upon us before you start seeking God for whom to vote. Start praying now about the coming elections. Whether they are small local elections or major national elections, remember to pray for them regularly.
Then, ask God to grant you wisdom in choosing the candidate that will best represent biblical values. Be sure that your decision is Spirit-led, rather than driven by emotion or media influences. Thank the Spirit of God for His wisdom concerning for whom to vote. Thank Him for giving you His wisdom about what to say and when to say it to others. Thank Him for giving you wisdom to declare the Name of Jesus and declare that this shall be a God-indwelt, God-ordained, God-overseen administration.
When you vote the platform and candidates who best align with God’s Word, avoid secular influences, and pray for elections and those in authority, you will choose the right candidate every time. Maybe not the perfect candidate – but the right one. Be a good steward of the election process, then pray and believe for God’s supernatural touch on our nation. He says when we humble ourselves and pray…He will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14)!