Christmas at the Copelands.
There is nothing quite like it.
Being part of this amazing family, I have the joy of attending our Copeland Christmas Eve gatherings every year. Allow me to take you on a personal tour of this glorious evening.
By Pastor George Pearsons

Upon arrival, we unload presents, carry them into the house and place them underneath the Christmas tree. Almost instantly, the aroma of delicious food and desserts lures us straight to the kitchen.
“Come on, let’s see what’s cooking.”
The kitchen is filled with serious chefs on the move. Be careful where you stand. You might get run over! All the “womenfolk” are scurrying about, stirring pots and preparing the meal. All the “menfolk” stand around waiting—everyone except me. I have my own special assignment.
I’m the designated turkey carver.
I don’t remember exactly when it happened, but some time ago, that honor was bestowed upon me. So, I grab a plate and the electric carving knife and away we go! Of course, I must sample the turkey as I go, to make sure it is carved to perfection. It’s a perk that comes with the job.
It’s Time to Eat!
When the food is finally ready, Brother Copeland calls the family together to pray. We stand in our traditional circle, holding hands, and give thanks to God for all He has done throughout the year. “Amen” is declared. Now, it’s time to eat!
Where to eat? We have choices: the kitchen counter, the den or the dining room, and when we’re ready, we can go back for seconds-and thirds!
Even though “Ma Dear,” (Gloria’s mother, Mary) has been in heaven for years now, her delicious “Turkey and Cornbread Dressing” is a family favorite. The menfolk are so glad she gave the recipe to the womenfolk.
After dinner, we adjourn to the living room where it’s now time to open gifts. Everyone takes their places.
Kenneth and Gloria have their honored seats by the fireplace.
Several of us are designated as gift distributors, myself included.
After the gifts are all handed out, one of my favorite things to do is to stand back and watch as the activity unfolds. Everyone is appreciating their gifts, hugging and sharing with one another.
It really is a sweet sight to behold.
Then comes the part of our evening that I really look forward to.
Brother Copeland reaches for his Bible and prepares to minister to the family.
That’s why I always bring my Bible and notebook. His topics range from what he is seeing for the new year to what The LORD is doing in our nation. Sometimes, we receive a preview of the assignments The LORD has for KCM.
I’m always prepared, and ready for the prophet to declare The WORD.
I recall one particular Christmas Eve, it seemed to take an especially long time for the gifts to be unwrapped. The evening was running quite late, and I found myself wondering if we would even have our “Christmas word from the Prophet.” We also had a tremendous snowstorm that day, and the snow had begun to pile up. Some of us had our coats on, ready to leave. The children were tired and ready for bed.
A Confirming Word!
All of a sudden, a strong presence of The LORD entered the room. Something in the spirit shifted as we began talking about the things of God. We discussed previous spiritual moves in the earth. We talked about the increasing manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit and demonstrations of the supernatural in the Body of Christ.
The conversation got deeper and deeper.
Then it happened.
The room got very still.
Brother Copeland quietly surveyed the faces of each individual in the room. He expressed love and appreciation for his family. He then looked tenderly and lovingly at each one of us in turn.
“Kellie,” he said, “I find no fault in you.”
“Terri, I find no fault in you.”
Looking squarely at each person in the room, he repeated those words: “I find no fault in you.”
When he turned to me, Brother Copeland looked me in the eyes and said, “George, I find no fault in you.”
It’s difficult to describe exactly what I experienced in that moment. Something heavy lifted from my heart. I sensed that I had come face to face with the very love of God Himself. Those six words had such impact, such a marked effect on my life, they continue to ring in my spirit to this day. I was loved, accepted and found faultless.
I later learned that it was Gloria who first ministered those very words to Brother Copeland. He had been struggling through a very challenging situation, and was praying about what to do when Gloria walked up behind his chair, placed her hands on the back of his head, and began to pray.
Then she looked at him and said, “Kenneth, I find no fault in you.”
As Brother Copeland shares this story, he said those words melted his heart. The grace of God flooded his being. All of a sudden, he had no problems.
Since that time, God has instructed him to minister these same words to others, especially those under a strong spirit of condemnation. In doing so, he would just smile, pat them on the cheek and say, “God loves you, and I love you, and I find no fault in you.”
The results have been astounding.
What transpired that Christmas Eve lives continually with me. It has changed my relationship with Brother Copeland, my dear father-in-law and spiritual father. Even though we work together in ministry, we may not see or speak to each other for weeks at a time because of our schedules. It doesn’t matter. Because of that Christmas Eve, I know everything is all right between us.
This is a picture of how our heavenly Father sees us. Because of Jesus, you and I have been made the righteousness of God. We now have the freedom to stand before our loving Father without any sense of fear, guilt or condemnation. Whenever we do get off course, all we have to do is ask His forgiveness and we are right back on track.
Picture the Father saying this to you: “I find no fault in you.”
Isn’t it wonderful to know that He has canceled the debt of sin and sees you as a parent sees his child?
While meditating on this, The LORD graciously gave me two scriptures.
First, Colossians 1:20-22:
And through [Christ] God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.
Then, Ephesians 1:4 tells us, “Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.”
This Christmas, receive the overwhelming love and grace of the Father. Receive His gift of righteousness through Christ as you hear Him say: “I find no fault in you.”
About the writer:
George Pearsons is Senior Pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church, located on the grounds of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. He also serves as CEO of KCM and Vice President of Kenneth Copeland Bible College.
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