Did you know that God has called every single one of us to two very important ministries, no matter how new—or mature—we are in Christ? In fact, these two ministries have always been at the heart of advancing God’s kingdom. They are directly responsible for providing answers to a lost and hurting world, bringing hope to the hopeless, and continuously encouraging our development in the gifts of the Spirit.

As vital as these ministries are, many believers are leaving this work and its wonderful harvest to others because they don’t feel “qualified” to minister in this capacity. But according to Acts 1:8, Jesus believes we can operate in these two ministries, no matter our level of faith, and He promises to empower us every step of the way.
Read these two key ministries for every believer, and you’ll be encouraged to start ministering to others immediately. When the Lord leads and guides you, it’s easier than you think!
Key Ministry No. 1: Witnessing
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8, NLT
Sometimes, believers can become intimidated before witnessing. We can think, “What will I say? How will I act?” And yet we shouldn’t miss the most crucial component in being a witness for Jesus: His Love for us, and our love for Him (1 John 4:10).
You see, it doesn’t take a special education or license to share Jesus with others; it only takes our willingness to share our belief and our testimonies as the Lord leads and guides us. As we share Jesus with others, and let His light shine through us, our conversations with others become easy and anointed (2 Corinthians 4:6).
Jesus never told us that we needed to say certain things or all act in the same way. In fact, God created us with our own personalities and interests, giving us the ability to minister to others in a way no one else can. So, the next time God tells you to talk to someone about Him, don’t underestimate what He’ll be able to do through you in that conversation.
Consider this example: Billy Fraser was a man who didn’t underestimate what God could do through him. In fact, he was very patient while witnessing to and inviting his co-worker, a man named Ed, to church for a year and a half—all while being colourfully declined week after week. Still, this didn’t bother Billy. He wasn’t seeking Ed’s approval; he was only concerned for Ed’s soul and where he would spend eternity.
Finally, one day, Ed agreed to go to church saying: “If I go to church with you one time, then will you leave me alone?” Billy said yes, and Ed went to church with him. That Sunday morning, Ed Dufresne was born-again and he became a bold, compassionate, and well-known healing minister for 49 years. Brother Ed passed away a few years ago, but his wife, Nancy, and their children continue to preach the Word and see miraculous healings. Because of Billy’s patience and obedience to the Word, there was a beautiful and large harvest that impacted countless lives for years to come.
Like Billy, as we go about our everyday lives, we too can share our faith and hope in Jesus with others. As we continue building ourselves up in our faith, we can keep being inspired to share Jesus with our neighbours, friends, and co-workers (1 Timothy 4:15; Romans 10:17; Matthew 5:16). Jesus told us to tell people everywhere about Him, so let’s make it a priority everyday everywhere we go.
Key Ministry No. 2: Discipleship
“And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” – Matthew 24:14, NLT
Imagine if your children attended a Christian school that was brand new, extremely clean, and led by the kindest of teachers. From the outside looking in, such an environment might seem perfect. But if no one taught the children; if they were allowed to do whatever they wanted as long as they stayed in their classroom; then we would agree that something was seriously wrong, wouldn’t we?.
That’s exactly what we’re doing when we don’t disciple new believers and teach them the Word. If we expect new believers to learn enough and eventually grow in their Christian faith only by attending church every Sunday, then we’re neglecting what Jesus commissioned us to do. Jesus told us to go and make disciples, which means to lead them to Christ and then teach them faith and the Word (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus didn’t assign this responsibility to only those who are anointed to preach or to pastor; He appointed each and every one of us to disciple others. It was through salvation and discipleship that the members of the early Church changed the course of history.
As we disciple and teach as the Lord leads and guides us, we’re helping people grow and we’re helping to change the course of history, too. We’re helping to bring more of God’s peace to this world (Isaiah 54:13). Even if we’re only spending five minutes a week with someone, we’re planting a seed and seeds grow into harvests. Never underestimate how much you can affect others just by being obedient to the Word and discipling them. Even if you are a new Christian, you can teach someone something. If you would like to observe and learn more about discipling others, you can join a discipleship group through your local church.
As you act on these two key ministries for every believer, step out in faith and be encouraged to start ministering to others as the Lord leads and guides you. Witnessing provides answers to a lost and hurting world, while discipling generates a strong Christian army ready to impact this world with love and peace. These two ministries were at the centre of Jesus’ earthly ministry and are the heart of God’s kingdom. Jesus has called us to these ministries and we’re up!
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