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KCM Victory Channel

With on-demand technologies, preaching the Word takes on new meaning. Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, VICTORY Channel’s on-air and on-demand programming fills the airways with hope and healing from the Word of God.

From the beginning, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland wanted to allow other faith-filled, Spirit-led ministers to be part of VICTORY and share God’s Word with the world. They wanted viewers to learn the principles of faith, as outlined in Scripture, and how to apply those principles of faith each day. Today’s most trusted faith ministers are featured in our programming, such as Jerry Savelle, Jesse Duplantis, Keith Moore, Bill Winston, Billye Brim, Rick Renner, Terri Savelle Foy,  Kellie Copeland, David and Nicole  Crank, Gary Keesee and others. In addition, our lineup includes our own Believer’s Voice of Victory daily broadcast, as well as live streaming of KCM’s Believer’s Conventions and Victory Campaigns, as well as Eagle Mountain International Church’s services held on the grounds of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

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Find out more about the programmes on the VICTORY Channel.

Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory daily Broadcast here.