“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” John 14:6, ESV).
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus that was the culmination of all the lives and stories we have read about this month, there is one very important thing for us to remember…
The Redemption story of mankind did not end in a manger in Bethlehem, and neither did the supernatural miracles and timing of God!

Jesus’ life continued to fulfill prophecy and purpose for the Redemption of all of humanity who would choose God, because receiving Redemption is our choice. As Jesus grew and stepped into His earthly ministry, as He walked out the words and the actions that God purposed for Him to say and do, and as He made Himself a living example of what God can do through a willing person, He was bringing us ever closer to eternal Redemption. Ultimately, as Jesus humbled Himself to die on that cross in the most brutal way, He made Himself our final redemptive sacrifice and granted us freedom from the curse forever—if we would only grab onto it and not let go.
And let’s not forget that as He descended into hell itself, embarrassing the devil and the demons, then rising out of that grave on the third day, He forever redeemed the Fall of man that began with Adam’s decision to relinquish his God-given authority to the devil. Now we can rule and reign as kings and heirs with Christ in all of God’s goodness and greatness once again. All we must do is receive our redemption through Jesus.
That is by far the most powerful, generous, blessed Christmas story of all time: A babe who was planned from the beginning of time, foretold for hundreds of years, whose life depended on generations of God-fearing people’s obedience to God, was not only born in a strategically victorious way, but grew up to become the enforcer of all good over evil, the ultimate example of love and authority working together powerfully, and the one and only true Savior of all mankind! Now that is something to celebrate!
So, will you allow God’s redemptive plan to continue through you?
Salvation’s full coverage
“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree’” (Galatians 3:13, ESV).
Live the Word:
What has Jesus redeemed you from in your life? Any curse, lack, insufficiency…it has all been overcome by Jesus’ redemption power. Claim it today…you are the redeemed of the Lord!
Speak the Word
Because of Jesus, I am (fill in the blank) ! (healed, prosperous, powerful, victorious, redeemed, set free…) I stand in His power, with full authority over all curses. I am victorious. I am fully redeemed!
Scripture Study: Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Deuteronomy 28:1-60
The Redemption of mankind through Jesus is not just a ticket to heaven. We are redeemed from all that the curse tries to do and take in our lives. Meditate on Deuteronomy 28 and make a list of all the darts that the curse is using to try to infiltrate your life right now. Then, remind the devil that he is a LIAR, and you have been redeemed from all those things because of JESUS! Then remind yourself of the truth as often as is needed to see the victory of that truth come into those situations in every way!
Walking it out to victory:
- List the enemy’s darts against you.
- Remind the devil he is a LIAR, and you are REDEEMED.
- Keep the Word before you daily, confessing that you are victorious and more than a conqueror!
Click on the image below to download the PDF with the devotion and the craft activities related to You.