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Your seed sown will go to work immediately — transforming believers’ lives

KCM Europe giving

When you sow a seed into Kenneth Copeland Ministries, you become a co-labourer with us as we minister The Gospel on every available voice.

“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22

Here are some of the benefits of seedtime and harvest in KCM Europe

  • The Believer’s Voice of Victory Broadcast
  • The Believer’s Voice of Victory Magazine
  • The Victory Channel
  • Twice Sown Seed – when you sow a financial seed into KCM Europe, at least 10% of it will be sown directly into other ministries that reach people right here in Europe and across the globe!
  • The Relief Fund – allows Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe to support community outreaches and respond to natural or man-made disasters around the world by partnering with other ministries and Partners on the ground.
  • The KCM Europe Website
  • Teaching Resources – KCM Europe has a range of teaching materials and courses that will support you in learning who you are in Christ. These resources will take you from the milk to the meat of the word, from religion to reality.
  • Partnership – when you step on the bridge of partnership with KCM, you can expect spiritual rewards for the ministry work being done. We agree with you for a harvest on your financial seed sown. There’s more – Partnership allows the ministry’s anointing to operate in your own life too!
  • Prayer – the team at KCM Europe are equipped and ready to pray and agree with you according to the Word of God.