The devil is already defeated—but you have to enforce your victory! Here are four times when you should use the Name of Jesus.
There is a force so vast in its power that it triumphs over any problem, any trial and any situation. Demons flee from it, disease cannot remain in the face of it, lack and fear dissipate before it, and every darkness is instantly shattered by it. Even death itself cannot contend with it. What is it?
The Name above all names. The Name of Jesus.

The power and authority of the Name of Jesus rightfully belongs to you as a born-again Christian, and He expects you to use it! Before Jesus ascended to be seated at the right hand of the Father, He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” Matthew 28:18, NIV). He has the authority!
What did He do with it? He delegated it to us when He said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:15, 17-18, NKJV).
The Name of Jesus works. There is far more power wrapped up in this one Name than you may even realize. Smith Wigglesworth once said, “There is power to overcome everything in the world through the Name of Jesus.”[1] That means you can put the Name of Jesus to work in every area of your life—big or small. Below are four times when you should use the Name of Jesus.
Use the Name of Jesus to Put Sickness to Flight
“In my name…they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” –Mark 16:17-18 (NKJV)
Notice this verse doesn’t say the sick might recover—it says they will! No matter how minor or severe, sickness and disease don’t belong in your body. You are healed! But you have to take your health by force and take it by faith. Every sickness and disease has a name—the flu is a name, cancer is a name, heart disease is a name. Every name must bow to the Name of Jesus.
In his book Ever Increasing Faith, Smith Wigglesworth told a story about a man who had been bedridden and was in desperate need of healing. He sent for a group of his friends who were faith-filled people, asking them to pray the prayer of faith over him. But after praying, they didn’t have any immediate results. So, they left—discouraged.
When they were still standing outside, one of them said, “There is one thing we didn’t do.” So, they went back inside, gathered in a group and started to whisper the Name of Jesus. At first, as they whispered, nothing seemed to happen. But, as they continued to whisper, “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” the power began to fall. As they began to see this manifestation, their whisper turned into shouting. As they were shouting the Name—that powerful Name—the man got up from his bed and got dressed.
What changed?
They had started out by praying in faith for the healing of this man—but their eyes were on the man and his condition the whole time. When they changed their focus and fixed all their attention on the Name of Jesus, their faith took hold of the power that is in His Name.
When you use the Name of Jesus, Satan backs off. He has no choice. The only thing he can do is try to deceive you into believing something other than what the Word says. So, when you start believing for your healing or divine health, don’t allow him to get a foothold. The Bible tells us to give him no place. Instead, learn to be bold.
When we use the Name of Jesus to lay hands on the sick—we’re ministering the love of Jesus to them. It’s the love of Jesus within that will cause you to put your own feelings aside—your reservations about laying hands on people in public or in other situations—and will give the opportunity for the love of God to operate.
Healing is God’s calling card. If you will learn to use the Name of Jesus, you won’t have any trouble getting people saved. It is the easiest thing in the world to get people saved when you get them healed first.
Jump-start your faith in the Name of Jesus with this confession.
Use the Name of Jesus to Rebuke Lack
“Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honour and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” –Philippians 2:9-10
Just like every sickness has a name—lack is a name. And it covers more than money. Any area where you are in lack—peace in your family, joy in your spirit, finances—every name in that category has to bow to the Name of Jesus. Everything you read in Deuteronomy 28 that is under the curse of the Law, is lack, and it is of the devil. You have been redeemed from everything under the curse. So, don’t tolerate it!
THE BLESSING is your lot—that’s what you’re to expect. Nothing less. How do you contend for it?
By using the Name of Jesus when the devil comes to steal from you. Just as you wouldn’t tolerate someone barging into your home and taking your goods, you can’t tolerate the devil and his attempts to take what is rightfully yours in the Name of Jesus.
So, when lack tries to come into your family, rebuke it. Say, “Lack, I rebuke you in Jesus’ Name. You’re not coming into my family. You can’t come into my bank account. Jesus came that I might have life and have it more abundantly. I take my BLESSING now, in the Name of Jesus.”
Stand your ground in every area. Revelation 19:13 says the Name of Jesus is the Word of God! So, when an evil spirit is trying to bring sickness, poverty, depression or any other garbage into your household, you don’t have to quote every scripture you know to stop him. You can just point your finger at him and say, “Jesus!” That’s like throwing the whole Word of God in his face at one time!
Learn more about developing your faith in the Name of Jesus in this video with Kenneth Copeland:
3. Use the Name of Jesus to Send Demons Packing
“In My name they will cast out demons.” –Mark 16:17 (NKJV)
Have you ever noticed the devil doesn’t play fair? Well, God never told you to give the devil a fair shot either—He said use the Name of Jesus on him. He’s already defeated—you’re just keeping him where he belongs.
Now, here’s how he comes at you—he sends demons, or evil spirits. But you have authority over every one of them. If the spirit of strife, envy, suicide, murder, drugs, alcoholism or any other wrong spirit tries to enter your home and family—deal with it IMMEDIATELY! Speak to it; say, “I command you in Jesus’ Name to take your hands off my children. You spirit of rebellion, drugs, alcohol (whatever it is), I break your power over my child, my spouse, my family. I forbid you to operate in his or her life anymore. I take by force what belongs to me and that includes my children and my family. You get out of my home and family, in Jesus’ Name!”
If you aren’t born again, or you don’t have faith in what you say when you use the Name of Jesus, you won’t get results. That’s what happened in Acts 19:13-16 when Jewish exorcists went to a demon-possessed man and said, “In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.” That demon spoke up and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” And then that demon whipped all seven of those boys, tore all their clothes off and rode them all out of the house nearly dead.
You see, they were using a Name that they had no right to use. They could have used it. All they had to do was accept Jesus. But they didn’t accept Jesus; they accepted Paul and what he did and were trying to use the Name of Jesus like some kind of hocus-pocus.
They realized it was the Name that was getting things done, but they were not using it as their right. That devil knew it, and he didn’t have to bow to that.
When you are born again, and you have faith in the Name—there is no situation too great for that Name. But you have to take what belongs to you by force. You have to force Satan—with the Word of God and the Name of Jesus—to give up ground in your life. He’s a thief, he’s a killer, and he’s an outlaw. He’ll steal anything you’ll let him have. So be bold with the Name of Jesus—don’t let him steal your kids, don’t let him steal your money, don’t let him steal your ministry, don’t let him steal your church. Be forcible in the spirit and force him out.
If you even smell the devil from a distance roaming and trying to break into any area of your life, don’t wait for it to escalate—get him out! And do it with the Name above all names.
4. Use the Name of Jesus for Supernatural Protection
“The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.” –Proverbs 18:10
Oh, how the devil doesn’t want you to know this one. His entire profession is steal, kill and destroy. So, when you start using the Name of Jesus to protect you, your family and your property—he’ll go out of business in your neck of the woods. Saturating his plans with the Name of Jesus will stop him from oppressing you and your family, and will keep you safe.
There was a pastor of a church in Los Angeles, Calif., who spent his life serving God. He was not a spiritual novice—he was a good, honest, God-loving, God-worshiping man. And he knew about spiritual laws.
He was walking home from church one night when he noticed four men following behind him. They kept getting closer and closer, and he knew something wasn’t right. He tried to run off (he was in his 60s at the time), but they caught up to him, jumped him and started beating him. He was able to run up onto the front porch of a nearby home, which happened to belong to members of his church, and started banging on the door.
When they opened the door and saw what was happening, they just shut the door! So, this pastor was in trouble. He grabbed a broom from the front porch and started trying to fight off the men. Then, one of the men pulled out a weapon, and the situation escalated.
Suddenly, it dawned on him that he needed to use the Name of Jesus! So, he yelled out, “In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you touch not God’s prophet and do him no harm!”
Those men immediately backed off out to the sidewalk. He kept pointing his finger at them and saying, “In the Name of Jesus!” And all four ran off!
He didn’t need physical strength, he didn’t need help from people—he needed one thing and he used it. The Name of Jesus drove danger far from him.
The Name of Jesus is your supernatural protection, your emergency number and your rescue vehicle, all wrapped up in one. It responds immediately, acts perfectly, and gets the job done without delay or hiccup. It should always be your first line of defence and will help you when there seems to be no way out.
That is what happened to a Christian man who was on a 747 airplane that crashed into another commercial airliner, killing most of the passengers. Both planes went down and were on fire. All the exits were blocked or engulfed in flames, and he was trapped inside. In his moment of impossibility—he did what he knew to do—he called on the Name of Jesus.
Now, before he had left on this trip, he had prayed over his travel and believed God for safety. He put his faith stake in the ground before he even left. And now, as he called on the Name of Jesus, the next thing he knew, he was out on the wing. He didn’t use an exit—he was just translated out. Just suddenly out of danger without any natural explanation.
That’s the power of the Name of Jesus.
In conclusion, when you use the Name of Jesus in these four situations—or any situation—you will discover for yourself what that exalted Name can do. Begin to speak it with confidence and authority. It’s a mighty weapon of warfare that never fails!
[1] Smith Wigglesworth, Ever Increasing Faith, GodSounds Inc., 2016.
© 1997 – 2022 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
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