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How To Pray the Prayer of Petition

Are you wondering how to get your prayers answered? Learn how to pray the prayer of petition and see the answer every time!

“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” –1 John 5:14-15, NKJV

Are you facing a need in your life today? Maybe something in your body needs healing or there is a financial burden that has felt like a heavy weight on your shoulders. Or perhaps your marriage is struggling, and you need a breakthrough to get back what the devil has stolen. Whatever your need, God has provided the answer in His Word. You’ve likely already been praying about the situation you’re facing, but you may feel like something is missing in your petition.

Some Christians believe that prayers should be easy to say and easy to receive an answer to without them having any responsibility in the process. The truth is – Jesus provided everything we need, but He didn’t do everything for us. That’s where free will comes in. He provided reconciliation, Redemption, and victory over sin and all the works of the devil, but we have to make the decision to receive those things by faith.

How can you do this?

The key to having your prayers answered is this: Make sure you pray according to the will of God. The word petition from 1 John 5:15 is extremely important. It’s defined as “a formal written request addressed to a sovereign superior for a particular right or grace.” Here’s how to pray the prayer of petition that’s in line with the will of God, a petition that is certain to be granted:

1. Go to the written Word of God.

Find scriptures that apply to your situation, and make those the foundation for your petition. Be specific. Take your time. Study and meditate on those promises pertaining to your need.

2. Consult with the Holy Spirit.

Get in communication with the Holy Spirit, and let Him help you develop your petition in detail. Listen for correction or instruction, and follow His leading as you seek His blessings. An important part of doing this is praying in the spirit (Romans 8:26-27).

3. Write your petition.

Writing your petition to the Lord as a formal request, using His Word, is a powerful tool (Habakkuk 2:2).

The following is an example of a petition for healing:

Be it known this day, ________, at ________(a.m./p.m.), that I receive healing from _______________in my body. No sickness or disease of any kind has a place in my body. So, Father, in the Name of Jesus, I come boldly to the throne of grace and present Your Word.

According to John 16:23, Jesus said You will grant whatever I ask in His Name. In Mark 11:24, You said whatever I ask in prayer, believing I will receive it, will be given to me.

I declare, according to Isaiah 53:5; Psalm 103:2-5; Psalm 91:9-10, 14-16; and 1 Peter 2:24; that Jesus took all my sickness and disease today, tomorrow and forever. I am healed by the blood of the Lamb, and I am protected from all plagues and sickness. I am redeemed from the curse of the law, which includes sickness and disease of any kind (Galatians 3:13).

I bind Satan and all his forces according to Matthew 18:18, and declare they will not hinder me from receiving this promise. I loose my ministering spirits (Hebrews 1:13-14) and charge them to go forth and cause ______________to come into my hands.

I believe in my heart and declare with my mouth that I AM HEALED. I thank You and praise You for healing me of ___________, and I thank You for making me whole.

I believe I receive today. I will not waver or doubt at Your promise, but will stand firm. I praise You and thank You that I am not waiting for this to manifest – I take it right now and hold it in my spiritual hands.

Signature _______________________________ Date________________

4. Pray the prayer of petition.

With God’s promises in front of you, pray the answer through the prayer of petition. Petition Him with these promises from His Word. When you do, you are praying with precision, rather than around and around in circles. You won’t have to guess if your prayers are effective – they’re based on the Word of God!

5. Have confidence.

God always backs His Word. You can be confident that God will answer your prayer because it’s based on the promises He has spoken directly to you. Part of being confident is refusing to think or speak anything to the contrary. When you walk away from your prayer, your countenance should be different than when you first came to the Lord because you know that what you have asked will come to pass.

6. Praise God for the answer.

Psalm 8:2 and Matthew 21:16 say that praise stills the enemy and the avenger. Thanking God is faith in action. It says, “I believe before I see.” That’s the God kind of faith. This clears the channel between you and God, so you can receive from Him!

When you use these six steps to pray the prayer of petition, you will hit the bulls-eye in prayer every time. You won’t have to shoot prayers out into the open, wondering if you’ve accomplished your aim – you’ll know you have! Remember – it isn’t always instantaneous, so let patience have its perfect work, and keep standing in faith. Now, go forth, petition God based on His Word, expect your answer to come!

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