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How KCM Teachings Are Impacting Lives

I have been blessed by so many things, but what has really impacted me is the teaching of faith, standing in faith and having faith in Gods Word – Serena, United Kingdom

KCM has highered my faith. Standing on Gods word is now second nature. I have become debt free in the last year – Iffei, United Kingdom

Kenneth Copeland has imparted a greater understanding in faith which has helped me to grow in intimacy and relationship with the Lord – Ibukun, United Kingdom

The teaching resources from Kenneth Copeland Ministries have helped me be delivered from the fear that controlled my life. Now I work fear free – Roseline, United Kingdom

I am so blessed by the teachings of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland  who have taught me to read the Word of faith and to stand on the Word for healing. In consistency lies the Power – Emma, United Kingdom

I have been blessed by the fact that Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have been so consistent in their message and teaching and stood so strong these many years. They have been a great example to many – Philip, United Kingdom

This ministry has been a great blessing to me and the congregation. I have really been blessed by the daily broadcast and DVD teachings offered every week with the broadcast – Kevin, United Kingdom

KCM Europe has been such a blessing to me in supporting me in prayer when I have needed it and have been really encouraged by the broadcasts as well – Stephanie, United Kingdom

I had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit many years before and walked with the Lord, but the ministry of KGC has been such a refreshing and encouragement in the teaching of faith and bible truth – Ruth, United Kingdom

I could speak all day on the blessing Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have been to me, but as a young man their example of longevity in marriage and the example they set, that they don’t only teach the Word but are doers, is a great example – Lespaul, United Kingdom

Many years ago I was given a bag of tapes of Kenneth Copeland and I felt the power of God touch my life. I have learned about the dangers of being double minded, the power of Words and how to use my faith – Esther, United Kingdom

I learnt from KCM to read the Bible. I now understand what faith is. If I read it in the Bible I stand on the Word in faith and the faith is activated. I have seen God work again and again. – Chris, United Kingdom

The teachings of KCM moved me from faith to faith.

The Word of Faith was new to me back in year 2019, but I met my mentors who introduced Kenneth Copeland teachings and other Word of Faith preachers and we listened to them online and it was just magnificent!

Thank you for the Word of Faith… the God-kind of faith that works in love…

I have seen amazing miracles and results in my life and my family, glory to Jesus alone.

Deborah, United Kingdom

If you have a testimony to share with us, we would love to hear from you.  You can send us your testimony HERE or call our Partner Relations Team on +44 (0)1225 787310.