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The New KCM French Website is Now Live

We have something NEW and EXCITING to show you! 

We are expanding our French outreach and our team has been working behind the scenes to bring you a new and improved website. 

Take a look at our new design and layout that has been created to give you, our French-speaking Partners and Friends, easier navigation and access to Kenneth and Gloria’s Word of Faith teachings.


We are excited to tell you that the BVOV broadcast now has captions in French (to turn on the captions or subtitles while viewing a video, click the CC button in the player’s bottom toolbar).  Please note that we have used a machine-translation (AI-based) service for the subtitles. This has been assessed by native language speakers and we believe this will be helpful to convey the message of faith to non-English speakers.


Follow the link here to sign up and receive French language courses straight to your inbox.

Healing Study Course

Interactive BVOV Magazine

We are pleased to be able to offer our new interactive Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine.  Check it out!

Easier Navigation

All search functions on the website are now in French, so you can search the website, as well as new blog posts.

If you would like to hear our news regularly, then sign up to receive newsletters from KCM Europe. You will hear from us first on teachings, events and courses.  This year we are celebrating 40 years of ministry in Europe and have lots to share! #KCMEurope40years.

Delivering the Mission of KCM

We pray you will be blessed with the new website and its upgrades, as we continue to deliver the mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries throughout Europe:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been assigned by God to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around — without compromise. We’ve been commissioned to get the message out that Jesus is LORD on every available voice. We’re standing in faith for 1 million individuals, families, businesses and ministries to accomplish our BOLD mission.

Our Purpose: To mature believers worldwide in the use of their faith.

Our Vision: To see Christians experiencing the fullness of THE BLESSING, which includes divine healing, supernatural prosperity, the God kind of love and more. To see believers operating skillfully in God’s Word, being well-trained to discern good and evil.

Our Mission: To minister the Word of Faith, by teaching believers who they are in Christ Jesus, and by taking them from the milk of the Word to the meat of the Word, and from religion to reality.

Remember, God loves you, we love you and JESUS IS LORD!