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Word of the Lord for 2024

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What about 2024?

Well, 2024 is going to be a powerful year.

There’s going to be some marvelous things happen.

It’s like the old saying, “it’ll be the best of times and the worst of times.”

And there are some things that will settle down during 2024.
And there are some things that will speed up.
But, this – this outpouring of my spirit that has happened and is happening all over the world will get more intensified and it will be stronger and stronger and stronger and the devil will get all upset.

But who does he think he is?

He – I took his – I took his – his power away from him in his own domain. I embarrassed him in hell. Right there. Right in front of all that served him and destroyed his power and brought him to nought brought him to nothing. He has nothing left but to lie. And he’ll lie and lie and lie. And he’ll upset a lot of people.

And there will still be wars and rumors of war. But there’s coming victories that you’re going to be so thrilled about. There’s going to be financial wars that you’re going to win – we are – And don’t you be concerned about my state of Israel, that – those are my people.

I picked Abraham. I picked him out of all the people on the planet. I picked him. And you’re his seed. And I will bless you because you’re his seed. I will take care of you because you are taking care of my people.

And I’ll watch over your house and I’ll watch over your door. And I’ll see to it that the thief stays away from your house. I’ll see to it that the blood of the lamb will be the victory in your life.

And there are cities [in the United States] that have been in very great turmoil that are suddenly going to become peaceful.
And there are there are the politics of this nation are being reversed. I stopped that abortion killer. I saw to it that the proper people were put on the Supreme Court for the supreme purpose of stopping abortion. And now it’s on its way out and life – and life abundantly.

That I promise you, I said it when I was on the earth. The thief comes but to steal, to kill and to destroy. But, I have come that you might have life and that you might have of it in abundance until it overflows because I am the good shepherd. And I went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. He’s still the oppressor and I’m still the healer.

And we will work together and we will see great victories come in this nation. And we’ll see great, great victories come in – in Italy, we’ll see great victories in China.

Don’t forget the millions and tens of millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of my people in China. You don’t even know this, but you pick up something they said made in China. You don’t know. But what one of my spirit-fiiled people made that dress or made that pair of shoes and prayed in the spirit over you when their hands touched it.

So don’t look at the worst side. Look at the best side.

I am the God of all people and I have people that, you know, not of. I have people in – in industry. I have people that are – that are – work in the streets.


So rejoice and be glad about 2024, 2024 will be a year of more and more and more and more, more finances, more healing, more miracles, more outpourings, more people coming to Jesus. More things happening.

“I am the God of increase,” sayeth the Lord. I’m not the God of death, but I am the God of war.

Thank you, Jesus.

Now, I must tell you something.
This is me talking by the Spirit.

I believe in war. There comes a time when mean unreasonable, demonic people oppress people to the point that local law enforcement cannot handle it.

That’s when the Prince of Peace rises up and says, “Teach my hands to fight.”

So rejoice and be glad.

For I have things well under control. For those that will obey me and will listen to my voice. I will keep you and protect you throughout 2024.

Pray, obey and vote.