New Life Churches Albania is one of many Partner Churches with KCM Europe. They are doing great work in Albania, which is predominantly a Muslim nation - every year they organise an evangelism tour to bring the Gospel to multitudes of people. Pastor Sabri Kasemi sent us this report to give God the glory and thank KCM Europe for their support. This initiative would've not been possible without the financial support of our Partners.

Evangelism Outreach Report
Pastor Sabri wrote
“I want to thank you for supporting the evangelism outreach project in the nation of Albania. Thank you for the prayers and finances that you have supported us with. The word of God teaches in the Epistle to the Romans 10:13-15 In fact: Whoever calls on the name of God will be saved”. How then will they call him whom they did not believe? And how will they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how will they listen, when there is no one to preach? I am sure that you are the ones who sent us to preach the gospel and I am grateful to God for you.
In this evangelism tour, which took place from June 25 – July 6, we held 10 events that took place in different places, some in the city and some in the countryside. We always connect with local churches that will follow up on people interested in the Gospel. I also had opportunity to be interviewed by Albanian national TV.
We use art, music, circus, drama, all of them are Christian professionals, they show their testimonies of how they came to Jesus and finally the sermon and prayer for salvation. Then we ask those who pray to give their information – such as name, surname, phone number if they want to know more about Jesus.
The last step is the delivery to the pastors of the local churches. On this tour we had only one problem that we cannot solve, in a small town in the north called Reshen, the city hall did not allow us to carry out the event, this town is very strong with Catholics, and they have influence in the local government.
In this tour, about 5000 people heard the gospel and about 300 people signed their names because they want to hear more about Jesus.
The first event we were in a village called Marikaj. In this village, the percentage of radical Muslims is high, there were some men who left this village as soldiers for ISIS, there is a small church there. Thanks for the prayers. The event in general went well, we had a problem because the Muslims got jealous when many people were gathering, they started putting pressure on them and stopped some of them. They also chased a teenage boy who got electrocuted several times. But regardless, we continued.
After the event, we had many good conversations with young people, women and children. 22 people showed interest in Jesus. Glory belongs to our Lord”.
These are the comment cards that people filled in at the end and were given to the local pastor who is following up with the new believers.
“We held the second event in a city called Vore. It is a city in which Islamism is radicalizing people by investing in small business. Several families from Turkey have also come there. A teenage boy told us that we don’t take the books because the imam has pressured the parents to stop the children from coming to the event. But we believe that our God is stronger. The event went very well, and we had many effective conversations about 16 people gave their contacts to learn more about Jesus.
This family in the photo with one of our artists, Alison, an Asian girl who talked with them and they said they were very happy that they believed in Jesus as a family. We feel great joy, they said. The dancer of the group Jesika praying for the woman in the red dress after the event who was touched by the presence of God.”
Via (the woman with the bag and books) is the pastor’s wife who was talking and praying with other women, inviting them to church. This boy showed interest and immediately started reading the books we gave him, he wanted to know more about Jesus.
We had planned the third event in the main square of the city of Tirana. the evangelization at Skenderbej Square went very well. We organized the churches of Tirana to come together for the gospel. There were about 1000 people who heard the pure gospel and about 50 showed interest. After the sermon, I had the opportunity to talk with some of them. One girl said that she was touched so much that she cried during the prayer, she said that her heart had become like a stone, but today God softened it with His water.
This is a worship group that is formed from several different churches. “Unity is something that pleases God, training the believers how to react with people” – said pastor Sabri.
Dear friends, thank you for your prayers, they are much needed. The 4th event was done in the square in the Alidemi neighbourhood. This is one of the strongest Islamic areas in the city of Tirana, but with our God nothing is impossible. The square was full of people who heard the gospel. In the end, about 40 people wrote on the comment card that they want to know more about Jesus.
We had a problem from the beginning with some teenage boys shouting Allahu Akbar. But then I spoke to them, and they calmed down.
These children have raised their hands up because they prayed for salvation.
In the 5th event we were in a Muslim village called Sovjan, about 200 km from Tirana. We had many good conversations with people after the event. Where 32 of them showed interest in Jesus whom I connected with the local church. There they approached a group of Muslim boys who were asking about the resurrection of Jesus. I told them what happened, and I also showed them a verse in the Koran which says that Jesus will be resurrected; they were very surprised that I knew verses from the Koran and that I had read the Koran. I challenged them to read the Bible and add questions to the Qur’an and not believe things blindly. Pray that they will have Revelation from the Holy Spirit to understand the truth.
I want to thank you for your prayer support, we need a lot because Islamism has been activated everywhere we go, they send children or teenagers to put pressure on others not to pray for salvation because they are Muslim.
Maliq is a city in the southeast, there is a good church that works hard for the gospel, and we have good cooperation. Everything was going very well until the sermon started, when I was calling to invite Jesus into their hearts. A group of teenagers said we are Muslim; at that moment I felt an icy breath. I answered to them, that you can only speak for yourself but not decide for others, if you don’t like being here, then you can go somewhere else.
I continued to preach and then prayed, and 33 of them said they want to know more about Jesus. A girl about 17 years old said that she is tired of her faith in Islam, and I want to know the truth, we directed her to Jesus.
Pastor Sabri with the pastor of the church who will do the follow-up with anyone interested in knowing more about Jesus after we make the call. People giving their details for the Church to do follow up contact.
On this day we had planned two events, one with the youth of the village of Pirg and one in the village square. But due to the rain, we held one. The event took place in the village of Pirg. It is a strong Muslim village. The church from Maliqi is working with children and youth camps. There were about 100 young people there. We had a wonderful time performing and showing the gospel through Art, we had the opportunity to share testimonies and preach the gospel. 20 young people showed interest in knowing more about Jesus.
The next event was in the city of Korçe, which is located 163 km away in the southeast of Albania. The population there are 50% Orthodox Christians and 50% Muslims. The event was planned to take place in one of the main streets, which was full of people. The event went very well, we had very good conversations with some people in the prayer line. 26 of them showed interest in knowing more about Jesus by writing their information on the prayer form comments. Thank you for your prayers, we appreciate and honour you with all our hearts. We pray that God will bless you more and more.
People were very attentive and followed the whole event with interest. In the end we had very good conversations, a young woman approached together with her children, she reminded us many years ago when my wife and I did such services in the city of Berat, she had accepted Jesus, but now she had moved and was in Korce, She introduced her children to us, and we prayed with them. We connected her with the pastor of the church.
We were in Hamallaj, a village in the city of Durres with a high percentage of Muslims. Two churches have started there, and we wanted the whole village to join Jesus. It was a night full of blessings. The event went very well, people were active and, in some cases, danced with us. After the testimonies, the sermon and the salvation prayer, we had the opportunity to speak and pray for many people. 56 of them marked their information and showed interest in knowing more about Jesus, which I connected with the local church. Thank you for your support because this would not be possible without your support.
This was the event where we had more responses from people, even after we prayed for their needs and some testified that they were healed. Below, people at the table giving their contacts.
The pastor of the church sent me a message two days later saying that the church was full of people on Sunday.
Dear friends, the last event was held in a city called Dimal. This is a city with 100% Muslims, but no practicing women. It is a city very open to the gospel, it is about 100 km away from Tirana. It is a city that does not have a church, but the history is like that. From 1996, a church was planted there, and a pastor was installed, but things were not going well because, he fought with the people of the church and when he was confronted, he refused to listen. One day he clashed with an unbeliever and punched her in the face. This sin was known throughout the city and the church was destroyed. But I have been going for about 5 years, I have built a very good relationship with the mayor of the Municipality who gives us permission for the development of evangelism. The event went very well and 27 people showed interest in learning more about Jesus. This is a lot of joy but at the same time I have a burden to plant a church there. What prevents me is financial support. Pray that God will open the doors for the planting of a new church there.
These events also attract the attention of journalists and Albanian national television gave me the opportunity for an interview. Where I spoke to young Albanians to get away from drugs, alcohol and other vices and return to Jesus.
Once again, dear friends, I want to thank you for every prayer you have made for me, I pray for you and your families that God will bless you powerfully. I have a dream to see Albania saved.
With love Pastor (evangelist) Sabri Kasemi.